For the three polls announced by the People's Party, the party's candidate Ke Wenzhe is leading, and the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi responded that polls are just good.

Comprehensive Free Times Network and United News Network reported that Hou Youyi said in an interview with Miaoli on Wednesday (November 8th) that he would go forward firmly according to his election steps and unite all like -minded power forces., Finally win.

For the polls announced by the Ke camp, Hou Youyi said that polls are references. In some investigations made by some polls, he also leads Ke Wenzhe a distance.He said that "what you do is better than referring to the outside", and compare Hou Ke, Ke Hou or all political parties, everyone is very clear.

In addition, the three polls show that Ke Wenzhe is also leading the DPP candidate Lai Qingde, the DPP spokesman Zhang Zhihao said that it will not be brave in the middle of the night, and it will not scare the DPP, But humiliated Hou Youyi.

As the "blue and white" of Taiwan's wild camp was in a deadlock, the people's party announced the latest results of the three poll agencies on Wednesday.Leading Hou Youyi exceeds 8%.