(Beijing Comprehensive News) For 10 minutes of rest for primary and secondary school students in Chinese primary and secondary school students, only the phenomenon of drinking water and toilet is allowed. The Ministry of Education of China responded that governments and schools were required to resolutely correct their deprivation of students to rest during class rest.Improper practice.

Chinese folks have a long time to complain about the restrictions on students' class activities in primary and secondary schools. A teacher from Jinzhong, Shanxi uploaded a video on the Internet last week, referring to the end of the students, and even running to the toilet.dispute.

Caixin Weekly reported that most primary schools in Beijing have taken lessons, and teachers will stare in the classroom. Except for water and toilet, students can only stay quietly in the classroom.

The "Visual Visual" of the new media pointed out that in addition to the classroom, students can only go to the toilet, so the toilet has become a new social venue, and students chat and make friends at the toilet.It is reported that most schools are worried about the danger of students in the class during the class, so the implementation restrictions are implemented.

For this phenomenon, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education of China on Friday (November 3) responded through Xinhua News Agency that primary and secondary schools arranged for inter -class rests very important and necessary, which is conducive to students to regulate emotions, relax the body and mind, enhance physical fitness and prevention of physical fitness and prevention.Relax.

The person in charge said that the Ministry of Education will further urge local and schools to strictly implement relevant national regulations, resolutely correct the practice of restricting the necessary inter -class rests and activities for students 'necessary inter -class rest and activities on the grounds of "ensuring students' safety".The school's scientific implementation of management and safety prevention measures will minimize the risk of safety accidents, so that children can be happy and assured.

The person in charge also said that the Ministry of Education attaches great importance to students' rest in class. The protection regulations of minor schools implemented in September 2021 are clear.Classroom activities and other words and deeds freely set unnecessary constraints.

Most netizens disagree with this.A netizen said that he had repeatedly complained to the local education bureau, and each time he received a reply from the supervisory school, but the actual situation has not changed.