Chinese President Xi Jinping said when he met with the Greek Prime Minister Mizttacis, who visited China, said that China is willing to cooperate with Greece to deepen transportation, energy, communications, finance and other fields to promote high -quality co -construction of the “Belt and Road”.It is hoped that Greece will continue to play a constructive role for promoting the good development of Sino -European relations.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping said in the Great Hall of the People on Friday (November 3) in the Great Hall of the People that Zhongxi was a partner of building the “Belt and Road” and civilized exchanges.EssenceChina cherishes the traditional friendship with Greece, is willing to go with Higheries, adhere to strategic leadership, adhere to open cooperation, and promote the new era of comprehensive strategic partnerships of Zhongxi.

Xi Jinping emphasized that not long ago, the Greek government sent senior representatives to attend the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, reflecting the support of co -construction of the "Belt and Road" cooperation.China is willing to strengthen the development strategy with Greece, deepen cooperation in the fields of transportation, ships, energy, communications, finance, etc., expand the opportunities for cooperation between the green economy, digital economy, and scientific and technological innovation, promote high -quality co -construction of the “Belt and Road”, promote BreyvfvSaigang has long -term, stable, and sustainable development.

He also said that Chinese companies encouraged Chinese companies to invest in Greece to promote their business. Welcome Greek companies to participate in China -Central and Eastern European countries cooperation, and more high -quality Greek products are welcome to enter the Chinese market.China supports the humanities mechanisms such as China -Xixi Civilization and Mutual Learning Center and the Ancient Civilization Forum. It is willing to deepen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, culture, scientific research, tourism, youth, and strengthen international communication and cooperation, and advocate true multilateralism.

Xi Jinping pointed out that this year is the 20th anniversary of China's establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership.The good development of Sino -Europe relations is inseparable from independence, mutual respect, and mutually beneficial cooperation.China is willing to be with the European party to adhere to the correct and mutual awareness, focus on consensus, grasp the direction, and comprehensively activate mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, hoping that Greece will continue to play a constructive role for this.

The Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang also held talks with Mizttakis on Friday morning. Li Qiang said that China is willing to carry forward the good tradition of respecting mutual trust and helping each other, and continue to involve the core interests and major concerns of each other.Firmly support each other, adhere to the successful experience of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win -win results, further strengthen development strategic docking, and promote cooperation in various fields to continuously improve quality and upgrade.

Li Qiang also emphasized that China is willing to continue to build the “Belt and Road” with Greece with Greece, and builds and operations like the Port Rays Port project to further deepen ships and shipping cooperation, expand trade, energy, telecommunications,, telecommunications, telecommunications, and telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, and telecommunications, telecommunications, and telecommunications, and telecommunications, and telecommunications, and telecommunications, and telecommunications, and telecommunications, and telecommunications, and telecommunications, and telecommunications.Green development and digital economy cooperation have achieved more win -win results.China is also willing to strengthen communication and collaboration with Greece to jointly promote the development of relations between China and Europe -China -Central and Eastern Europe.