Australian Prime Minister Albanis said that his visit to China will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang.step".

According to Reuters, Albanis will set off to China on Saturday (November 4) to become the first Australian leader to visit China since 2016.

Albanis described at a press conference at Darwin, the head of the Northern Territory of Australia before the start of Saturday, that his visit to China was a "very positive step ... it was our patience to adopt Australian -China relations,The result of prudential and cautious attitude. "He is looking forward to "constructive discussion and dialogue" with Xi Jinping and Li Qiang during his visit to China.

Albanis said that when he met with Chinese leaders, he would propose a case of Australian Chinese writer Yang Hengjun, who was detained in China for more than four years, and emphasized that "the case needs to be resolved."

Albanis will visit Shanghai on Sunday (5th) and attend the 6th China International Import Expo. It is expected that next Monday (6th) will meet with Xi Jinping.

Since the stage in May last year, the Albanis government has been committed to stability with the relationship with China.At present, China has dismissed most of the trade restrictions on Australia in Australia in 2020, and these trade restrictions have caused Australian dollars (about 17.4 billion yuan) of goods and food export losses to Australia.