The China EU Chamber of Commerce will criticize the China International Import Expo in Shanghai more like the "Polictical Showcase" rather than commercial activities.Essence

According to Reuters, the Vice Chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce Carlo D'Drea on Friday (November 3) said at a press conference in Shanghai that the original purpose of the Expo was the purpose ofPromote China's trade with the world and show the process of reform and opening up in China.However, the opposite of facts, China's trade surplus in Europe has increased significantly over the past five years.

He said: "This (Expo) is more like a government affairs activity, more like a marketing activity, and only a little side with business business. It can be said that the China International Import Expo is moreLike a political show, not a business activity.Dark.

The 6th Expo will be held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th. This is an annual event launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2018. It aims to promote and promote China's free tradeEssenceThe State Council of the State Council of China will attend the opening ceremony on Sunday (November 5) and give a keynote speech.Australian Prime Minister Albanis is expected to attend.

Reuters reports that this expo also aims to solve the criticism of China on the issue of trade surplus.China has expressed his willingness to accept more European exports to respond to the EU's criticism of China's lack of a fair competitive environment and the political environmental politics.

The Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce launched a survey in October this year, receiving 116 replies.The survey shows that since the first Expo, the participation rate of enterprises has decreased from 42%to 32%; those who have previously participated in the Expo and decided to not participate this year said that the decline in investment value and limited policy changes are the main reasons.

The Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce said that although 59%of the respondents said that they had benefited from the government's participation in the expo, the Expo only reached a commercial transaction last year, and the proportion was far lower than thatHalf of 2018.

The Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce said that European companies hope to see the Expo "stay away from politics", focus on enterprises, and adopt specific policies and measures to open the market.