Hunan Yiyang Kangya Hospital recently dismissed all employees to attract public opinion.A staff member of the Kangya Hospital revealed that there are still no salary at present.

According to the China News Service reported on Saturday (November 4), Kangya Hospital issued a notice on Wednesday that the city center hospital planned to officially take over the Kangya Hospital in the near future, and will formally terminate the labor contract with all employees on the 30th on the 30th.The employment agreement will be actively cooperated with the city center hospital under the guidance of the Municipal Health and Health Commission to do a good job of targeted recruitment, and the employees of hospitals can stay. Those who are not hired by the city center will pay economic compensation in accordance with laws and regulations.And assist the relevant procedures such as unemployment insurance.

A employee of the Kangya Hospital interviewed in an interview that after discussing with the Kangya Hospital and the Central Hospital, a employee conference was held on Thursday (2nd), announcingThe recruitment examination of the central hospital will choose a labor dispatch contract to be the same as the labor dispatch employees in the central hospital.

The employee said, "Our more than 700 employees themselves are labor contracts, and the contract has not expired. Now the hospital is unilaterally dismissed.Three have not repaid our salary and performance arrears, and it is really difficult for our medical staff to.I just refused to sign a labor dispatch contract. "Mergenation is a good thing, which can better contribute to the people of Yiyang in the medical industry, but now we ask us for these contract workers to take the recruitment examination of the central hospital.It is equivalent to restarting the same graduated medical student, which has caused many employees to be invincible.The follow -up method of processing, regarding how to arrange employees for employment and specific compensation plan, there is no news for the time being. I only know that "the employees were notified in advance before the notification of employees was dismissed."

A staff member of the Office of Yiyang Central Hospital told the media that regarding all the tasks of the integrated resource integration of Kangya Hospital, the competent department is the Municipal Health and Health Commission.The central hospital is not clear about related issues, and is still waiting for the official notification of the Municipal Health and Health Commission.

A staff member of the Yiyang City Health Commission said that it is currently discussing follow -up processing methods and solutions, and the official report needs to be waiting.

According to the official website, Kangya Hospital is a large -scale three -level comprehensive hospital approved by the Hunan Provincial Health and Health Committee to integrate medical care, prevention, rehabilitation, pension, scientific research and teaching.Opening, in January 2022, Yiyang Gaoguo Investment was acquired as a whole. It was officially transferred to the state -owned hospital of Yiyang High -tech Zone and set up 1,000 beds. It is an important part of Yiyang's health and health system.