China officially announced investigation report in Ji Kun Coal Mine Gas Burning Accident in Baiishan City, Jilin Province. Ji Kun Coal Mine illegally transferred and cremated the body of the victims of the victims and concealed it.responsibility.

According to the news released by the WeChat public account of the Emergency Management Department on Saturday (November 4), at 13:29 on April 2nd this year, Ji Kun Mining Co., Ltd. (referred to as Ji Kun Mining Co., Ltd. (referred to as Ji of Jiangyuan District, Baishan City, Jilin Province (referred to as Ji Ji坤煤矿)一处采煤工作面发生较大瓦斯爆燃事故,造成四人死亡、四人受伤,另有四人身体不适,经吸氧后痊愈,直接经济损失1016万元(人民币,下同,About 1.88 million yuan).

After the accident, Ji Kun Coal Mine did not report in accordance with regulations, and concealed the accidents of illegal transfer and cremation of the person's body, closed accident site, and other methods.

After the Baishan Emergency Administration and the Jiangyuan District Emergency Administration received reports from the masses, the mine did not report truthfully when they went to the coal mine inspection and reporting cases from April 3 to 12.On April 13th and 14th, the mining investors and mining regimen were forced to surrender by the pressure. The accident was verified by the Baishan People's Government.

The Jilin Bureau of the National Mining Safety Supervision Bureau of China recently announced an accident investigation report, and a total of 36 relevant responsible personnel have made accountability and handling suggestions.

Twelve of them was suggested to be transferred to the judicial organs for treatment, and eight were recommended to give administrative penalties, and 15 were suggested to give accountability to the party discipline and discipline.

A large accident on Ji Kun Coal Mine and a fine of 5 million yuan were reported to the joint punishment object; Ji Kun Coal Mine did not obtain a safety production license, illegally produced coal outside the scope of technical reform design scopeIt is an illegal coal mine, confiscated illegal income and mining coal and mining equipment, and fined fines.