After some local primary and secondary school students '"raising in the class" caused the concern of public opinion, the Chinese Ministry of Education responded to urge local and schools to implement relevant national regulations, and to correct the need for students to restrict students on the grounds of "ensuring students' safety" and restrict students.The practice of class activities.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Friday (November 3), the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education of China said in an interview on this incident that primary and secondary schools arranged "very important and necessary" to rest in class, which is conducive to students regulating.Emotion, relaxation of physical and mental, enhance physical fitness and prevent and control myopia.

The person in charge said that the Ministry of Education attaches great importance to the rest of students. The protection regulations for the protection of minor schools implemented from September 1, 2021 are clear.Free restrictions are set freely for legitimate communication, games, classroom activities and other words and deeds.

He mentioned that in actual work, primary and secondary schools are required to arrange 30 minutes of large -class sports activities every day, and students should be arranged to get out of the classroom activities and relax each class.

The person in charge emphasized that the Ministry of Education will further urge local and schools to strictly implement relevant national regulations, follow the laws of education and students 'physical and mental development laws, and correct the necessary courses for students to restrict students with the grounds of "ensuring students' safety".The practice of rest and activities; and guide local and schools to implement the scientific management and safety prevention measures, minimize the risk of safety accidents, and make children happy and assured activities.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education will ask schools to strive for parents' understanding and social support, and work together to ensure normal activities between students.

A teacher in Jinzhong, Shanxi recently released a video, and the phenomenon of "raising between class circles" has become more and more serious. 70 % of students do not go out of the classroom between class. Even in the 20 -minute class, the campus is empty.Empty.

Video has resonated rapidly in the Chinese network.Many parents said that they had a deep understanding of this, "I wanted to talk about it." Some netizens even reported that "several classes have students with lumbar spine problems", and netizens recalled the "10 minutes between classes" of the year, called"Teachers at the class are all out -of -class people." However, some netizens said that they can understand and believe that "teachers and schools are also out of security considerations."

Previously, the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center jointly and questionnaire network pairs 1908 1908A survey conducted by the parents of primary and secondary school students showed that 75.2%of the parents interviewed said that the phenomenon of "quiet class between quiet courses" in primary and secondary schools was common and the most prominent in elementary school.