China's first domestic large cruise "Eida Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo.Du number "Saturday (November 4) was officially named.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the delivery of the Magic capital marks that China has become a "three pearls" to collect the shipbuilding ship industry, which can build aircraft carriers, large LNG transport ships, and large cruise ships at the same time.

According to reports, the "Eda Magic" has 323.6 meters, 37.2 meters wide, and a total of 135,500 tons.In addition to the large volume, it distinguishes the outstanding characteristics of other large ships and has full functions.The cruise ship has a high 24th floor and has 2826 cabins, which can accommodate more than 6,500 people. The luxury hotels, theater theater, and water parks on the ship are all available, like a "mobile city".

This large cruise ship has 136 systems and more than 20,000 sets of equipment.The number of parts is as high as 25 million, which is equivalent to five C919 domestic large aircraft and 13 Fuxing high -speed rail trains.The length of the cable is 4,300 kilometers, which is equivalent to the railway distance from Shanghai to Lhasa.

According to previous reports, the Magic Cruise will be launched from Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port on January 1 next year.Customers can log in to the official website of Aida Cruise and WeChat Mini Program from September 20.