China Nuclear Industry Group (referred to as China Nuclear Group) reported that its nuclear institutes obtained the first time of the first-kg grade of 99%molybdenum-100 isotopes through independent research and development.

The Shanghai Securities Newspaper on Thursday (October 26) quoted China Nuclear Group News and reported the above information.

It is reported that this is the first time that China has achieved a major breakthrough in the autonomous supply of key materials for molybdenum isotonophyllum.With the world's leading level, it has become a very few countries in the world that can obtain molybdenon isotonophyte in batches.

Molybdenum (MO) isotonin has a wide range of application prospects in research fields such as nuclear medicine, basic physics, and advanced nuclear fuel.In the field of nuclear medicine, high-tech molybdenum-98 and molybdenum-100 areotopes are the prefixed nuclein of radioactive homogenous molybdenum-99. The molybdenum-99 further decays 锝 -99m. It is currently the most widely used diagnosis in nuclear medicine.Radioxin.

In the field of basic physics, the high-molybdenum-100 isotope is used in the interpretation of the discharge dual-β decay experiment.The basic nature of the microphone and revealing the process of the universe are of great significance.

In the field of advanced nuclear fuel research, the poverty-Molybdenum-95 is higher than 760 degrees Celsius higher than the mainstream nuclear fuel shell material, which can create more high-temperature nuclear fuel components and greatly improve the safety performance of nuclear fuel components.Provide protection for the safe green development of the nuclear power industry.

In order to meet the needs of the Chinese market and change the long -term dependence of molybdenum isotope materials, the scientific research team of China Nuclear Group has continued to develop experience in the past 30 years, boldly innovated, and broke through the key technology of the card neck during the separation of the isotope.For the first time, it has obtained a ingot-100-100otapotocophastin products with a kick-level homogenicity of 99%, filling gaps in the field of technology in China.