A school in Guangdong was revealed that no teacher gave the students to class on the spot, resulting in nearly 700 students withdrawn from school.In response, the local education bureau said that the school's excessive recruitment enrollment led to disorders in proportion of teachers and students.

According to Chinese media reports such as Guangzhou Daily, the 2023 freshmen of Qingyuan City, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, still in the classroom for more than a month, instead of teaching by the teacher on the spot.

Some parents said: "Every day when you go to school, there are no teachers to class, all of which are students themselves. They have seven classes in a grade, and seven classes in seven classes use one teacher and one teacher to teach seven classes.How can I teach things and learn things? (I heard) I didn't expect to receive so many students, but I received so much later.

The school said that their school conditions meet the requirements and do not lack teachers, but have problems in the process of implementing digital teaching."Our original intention is to let students learn to learn independently, and digitalization is also in line with future trends, but this measure is too urgent, and there is no full communication with students and parents.There are a large number of parents who have chosen to drop out of school.As of October 21, the number of retired students has been withdrawn from 698.

The school's total enrollment plan in 2023 is 2,640, but the actual number of new students in the end is 2,968.

The Qingyuan Education Bureau responded to the incident on Wednesday (October 25) in the afternoon that the incident had been paid attention to, and the working group has now set up a working group to deal with the follow -up work.

According to the Red Star News on Thursday (26th), the staff of the Education Bureau of Qingyuan City said that the school had exceeded illegal enrollment, "so it is not enough for its teachers and students."Regarding the school status of withdrawal students, the staff said that she would introduce schools with a rich degree in the urban area to have a surplus degree in the city, which will also make them voluntarily choose.

The Qingyuan Education Bureau also responded that the notice of rectification has been issued many times. If the school has not rectified as required at the required period, it is required to stop the enrollment.s student.