China Foreign Affairs Department said that China and the Asian Danian countries have officially launched a three -reading of the South China Sea Code, accelerating the guidelines for guidelines, and striving to reach effective standards at an early date.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning Thursday (October 26) said at a regular press conference that the 21st senior official will be implemented on Thursday (October 26) in Beijing in Beijing on Thursday (October 26) in Beijing (October 26)Hold.China and the Asianan countries exchanged opinions on the situation of the South China Sea, comprehensively and effective implementation of declaration, pragmatic cooperation at sea, and negotiations between the South China Sea Code of Conduct.

Mao Ning said that the parties believe that maintaining the stability of the South China Sea is of great significance. It calls for restraint, strengthen dialogue, divide the differences, and maintain the stability of the maritime situation.All parties agreed to continue to fully and effectively implement the declaration, and deepen pragmatic cooperation in the fields of marine research, marine environmental protection, maritime search and rescue, and maritime law enforcement.

Mao Ning continued, China and Asians' countries also announced the official launch of the South China Sea Conduct Code of Conduct at the meeting, agreed to accelerate the promotion of consultations, and strive to reach the standards of effective, substantial content, and in line with international law.Build the South China Sea into a sea of ​​peace, friendship, and cooperation.

A member country of Ya'an and China launched a formal consultation of the South China Sea Conduct in March 2018. In August of the same year, a single consultation text was reached, and a draft read was completed at the end of July 2019.At the Asian Security -China Expansion Foreign Minister's meeting in July this year, the two parties revealed that the single consultation text had completed the second reading.The two sides also adopted a set of guidance principles to accelerate the negotiations of the South China Sea Conduct.