China officially emphasized that anti -spy law does not involve legal data activities of foreign companies and personnel, and there is no mandatory collection of data from foreign enterprises and personnel in China.

China ’s Ministry of National Security on Thursday (October 26) posted on WeChat public account that since the revision of the April April this year, there have been some misunderstandings and malicious attacks. ThereforeThe error remarks responded and refuted. "

The Ministry of National Security emphasized that China insists on promoting data development and utilization and ensuring data security, and protects the data security of foreign enterprises and individuals equally in accordance with the law."Anti -spy law is aimed at illegal and criminal behaviors of very few 'Internet spies' and so on. It does not involve legitimate data activities of foreign companies and personnel, and there is no so -called" forced collection of foreign enterprises and personnel in China. "

The Ministry of National Security also said that the provisions of inspecting the data in the anti -espionage law are refreshing the connection of existing laws, not newly authorized."The revision of the anti -spy law law further clarified the law enforcement prerequisites, approval procedures, and restrictions of retracting data, etc., stipulating that national security organs to check and retracting data should meet three requirements: First, it is limited to the implementation of anti -spy tasks.;It will be relying on spy organizations and their agents to implement cyber attacks such as national organs, secret units or key information infrastructure, etc., and such as spy behavior, and moderately expand the scope of the relevant subject's secret theft.Files, data, data, and items are included in protection.

Reuters earlier reported that some countries are worried that the revised version of the anti -spy law may be used to punish normal business activities.

Before the new version of the anti -spy law was introduced, the Chinese law enforcement agency has been in the past few months, Mintz Group, Consulting Industry Giant Bain, and BainJapanese pharmaceutical factory A Stellas Pharmaharma took action.

The Kyodo News Agency earlier this month quoted sources that the Japanese metal trading and Chinese state -owned enterprises who carried out business in China and one of the Chinese state -owned enterprises were responsible for one of the rare metals. They were detained by the Chinese government in March.It may be related to being suspected of leaking rare metal -related technical information.

The Japanese male employee, who was also detained in March, reportedly detained by the Chinese national security department for suspected violation of the anti -spy law and criminal law before returning home.The man was officially arrested by relevant Chinese departments.