As Taiwan's "blue and white" in the wild, Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang presidential candidate, said that with the candidate of the party's president, Ke Wenzhe ordered the strongest candidate before the end of October, whether it is democraticThe primary election or the national tone is too late.He pointed out that if it is too late, he will enter political parties.

Comprehensive Central News Agency and United Daily reported that Hou Youyi accompanied the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun to visit Taipei Wenchang Palace on Thursday (October 26) and accepted a joint media visit.

In response to whether Ke Wenzhe has not responded to whether to accept votes with Zhang, Hou Youyi said that they have time pressure, and voters also have high expectations for cooperation, especially Ke Wenzhe's booked time at the end of October, push forward, whether it is, whether it isDemocratic primary elections or national tunes are too late."If you are too late, come back to the party to negotiate."

The media asked if the two were still about 3 %. Is there any confidence to win?Hou Youyi said, "In the past few days before the end of October, in fact, they have entered the party negotiation." There is no so -called national adjustment or open preliminary choice.idea.

The media asked if it was determined that there was no All -poll. Hou Youyi said that he was very sure and said that "if time is too late, he will enter political parties."

As for Ke Hou's not in the same votes, why enter the party to negotiate?Hou Youyi said that blue and white must be "like -minded" before they are called Lan Baihe, and the president and legislators elections are together. If the election does not cooperate, there is no so -called joint cabinet. At presentWalk.

Taiwan will hold the president and legislator election on January 13, 2024. It is currently less than one month before the deadline for candidate registration on November 24.Lai Qingde's polls of the President of the DPP President Lai Qingde continued to lead. Ke Hou's support hovered around 20 %. More than half of public opinion hoped that the two parties would integrate, but the blue and white negotiations have been in a deadlock for more than 10 days.

The two parties have their own opinions on the way to decide the strongest candidates in the wild. The people's party insists on the victory over the polls. The Kuomintang suggested that democratic primary voting and half of the polls. Hou Youyi was prepared "Democratic Primary Election Voting".The schematic diagram allows voters to choose with two groups of "Deputy Hou Zhengke" and "Deputy Ke Zhenghou".

He also took out the party's rotation card, emphasizing that everything had been prepared for a long time, and could set up 422 voters in Taiwan.Hou Youyi's campaign office plans to apply for democratic primary elections on November 4th. Hou Youyi said that it would take 10 days to prepare for the preparation. He hoped that Ke Wenzhe would reply before October 25, otherwise "the competition was over" and had to enter the stage of party consultation.