The head of the South Korean National Security Office, Zhao Taiyong, said that the foreign ministers of South Korea, China, and Japan are expected to coordinate and communicate with the time and issues of the three countries' leadership meetings.

Yonhap News Agency reported that Zhao Taiyong made the above statement on Thursday (October 26) a show of the news channel YTN.It is reported that the three parties of South Korea, China, and Japan are arranged to meet the Three Kingdoms Foreign Ministers in Busan on November 26.

Zhao Taiyong said that the Three Kingdoms Summit may be difficult to achieve within the year, but it is estimated that the Three Kingdoms should be able to hold a summit during the rotating chairman of the current summit in South Korea.

As for whether Korean and Chinese leaders will hold bilateral talks during the informal meeting of the leaders of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).With the opportunity to meet with the G20 summit at the Twenty Group (G20), if the conditions for both parties are allowed, the two leaders may also meet this time.