After an investigation of a Chinese organizational criminal gang for up to 14 months, the Australian police recently closed the net and arrested seven people.Property and luxury cars.

According to Bloomberg, the Australian federal police accused the criminal gang of Long River secretly operating the Yangtze River exchange, and used the Yangtze River to exchange for nearly $ 229 million in criminal income within three years.The group has a stronghold in each state in Australia, with a total of 12 stores.

The Australian Federal Police said that the survey called "Avarus-Night Wolf Action" was one of the most complicated investigations in Australian history.

Police said that the Yangtze River has changed more than 10 billion A $ 10 billion in the past three fiscal year, most of which are legal, but some of them are suspectedEssence

According to the police, members of the criminal gang can obtain a lot of illegal wealth from it.

Stephen Dametto, Assistant Director of the Eastern Bureau of the Australian Federal Police, said these criminal gang members live a luxurious life and dine in the most luxurious restaurant in Australia.Take a private jet trip and drive a luxury car purchased for $ 400,000 to live in a luxury mansion, one of which is worth more than $ 10 million.