China "Shenzhou Seven" manned spacecraft Thursday Thursday(October 26) officially launched in the morning.

According to the CCTV News client, the Long March 2nd FD 17 Launar Rockets equipped with the Shenzhou No. 17 manned spacecraft on Thursday at 11 am on the Jiuquan satellite launch center ignition.

The astronauts who perform Shenzhou 17 manned flight mission are composed of three astronauts of Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie, and Jiang Xinlin. Tang Hongbo served as commander.The multiplication group includes a second batch of astronauts and two third batch of astronauts. Since the launch of the space station construction task, the average younger astronaut ride group.

Shenzhou No. 17The task astronauts took the group Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie, and Jiang Xinlin at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on Thursday morning to attend the levy ceremony.(China News Agency)

The manned flight task of Shenzhou 17 is the 30th flight mission since the implementation of the manned space project, and it is also the 12th manned flight task.The main purpose of the task is to complete the rail rotation with the Shenzhou 16, stay in about six months, and carry out space science and application loads on track experiments.And space station maintenance and maintenance.