In response to Canada's claims to be intercepted by Chinese military planes, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense responded that Canadian military aircraft have illegally invaded China for many times and approved the hype of the facts to confuse international audiovisual.

"The Ministry of National Defense released the" WeChat public account on Wednesday (October 18), and the spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Defense Wu Qian responded to Canada's claim that it was intercepted by Chinese military aircraft.

Wu Qian said that recently, a CP-140 machine in the Canadian Air Force has repeatedly invaded China ’s Chiweiyu to lead the air and approach the eastern coast of China, enter the Taiwan Strait to reconnaissance.International rules, control measures such as verification, identification, tracking, monitoring, warning, and other control measures, and the disposal operations are fully reasonable, legally, and professional.

Wu Qian pointed out that the Canadian side regards the speculation that ignores the facts and is intended to confuse international audiovisual.

Wu Qian emphasized that the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands are China's inherent territories. The additional acts seriously violate China's sovereignty and threatened China's national security.China strongly condemned it and proposed to the Canadian strict negotiation.

Wu Qian said, "We are sued with Canada to do cautiously, strictly control the action of the front -line troops, stop any provocative behavior immediately, and effectively avoid further upgrading the situation."

Canada National Defense MinisterBlair (October 16) criticized Blair on Monday (October 16) that Chinese fighters intercepted a "dangerous and reckless" interception of a Canadian maritime patrol aircraft.

The aircraft was helping the United Nations to perform sanctions on North Korea, and the staff of the Global News Television (Global News Television) on the plane said that Chinese aircraft followed the international waters to follow the Canadian alarmic patrol aircraft.Hours, one of the Chinese planes is less than five meters from Canadian planes.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mao Ning on Tuesday (October 17) responded to the incident that a Canadian CP-140 machine illegally invaded the Aida Aids of the Affiliated to Diaoyu Islands on Saturday (14th) in Canada.Invading China's sovereignty and threatening China's national security.