China's official Wednesday (October 18) described the United Nations as an important partner of the "Belt and Road", emphasizing that China is willing to work with the United Nations institutions, and solidly promote the high -quality co -construction of the "Belt and Road".

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese officials met in the Great Hall of the People that night to meet the UN Secretary -General of the "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum.It must be united and cooperated to pay more attention to development issues.

Chinese officials said that he proposed to build a community of human destiny in order to find the correct path to deal with various global challenges; proposed to build the "Belt and Road" initiative and global development initiative, in order to gather more positive energy, and to accumulate more positive energy.Promote the common development of countries, help the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda in 2030, and prevent any country from falling behind.

He also said that the United Nations is an important partner of the "Belt and Road".China is willing to work with the United Nations agencies to solidly promote the construction of the "Belt and Road" to co -build a high -quality co -construction to contribute to the peace and development of the world.China supports the work of the United Nations and Secretary -General of Gutres, and is willing to strengthen cooperation with the United Nations agencies to promote multilateralism and world polarization, and promote global governance in a more fair and reasonable direction.