The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China has faced the competition of various infrastructure initiatives in Western countries in the past few years.Cooperation.

Wang Yi is also the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee.On Wednesday (October 18), he explained the above -mentioned statements when he explained the relationship between the Belt and Road and other similar initiatives at the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum.

In recent years, Western countries have proposed a number of infrastructure -related initiatives, which has a strong meaning with the Belt and Road.Since 2019, the Blue Dot Network has been proposed, the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework, the Global Infrastructure Investment Partnership (PGII), and the better world plan involving infrastructure initiatives.

At the September Twenty Group Summit in September this year, the United States, the European Union, and India also announced that they cooperated to establish the "India -Middle East -European Economic Corridor".

Wang Yi said that the Belt and Road Initiative of China is an open platform, and all parties are welcome to join at any time. He also called for an initiative of interconnection and interoperability in other countries.

He said kindly to the EU's release of goodwill: "We can dock with the global portal plan proposed by the European Union to exert their respective advantages and form a joint force. We will help developing countries to speed up the construction of infrastructure."

Wang Yi also refuted that PGII in the United States is aimed at China, criticizing this to politics economic issues.He said that some people say that China and the United States can compete with each other, and China is willing to look at this statement from a positive perspective; but competition should not be offset each other, but to promote each other.

He shouted from the United States and said: "We might as well compare internationally, who can build more roads, railways, and bridges for developing countries. Who can build more schools, hospitals, hospitals, hospitals, andWe have confidence in the stadium.

Wang Yi also introduced the results of the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit forum at the meeting. During the forum, all parties formed 458 results, more than 280 in the previous session; the entrepreneurial conference reached $ 97.2 billion (133.3 billion yuan) Commercial contract.