China recently broke the mycoplasma pneumonia.Increase.

Comprehensive China News Agency and Xinhua News Agency reported that since September this year, the number of children infected with pneumoniac infected by many hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Yunnan, Guangzhou and other places has increased significantly.Xu Baoping, director of the Department of Respiratory Department of Beijing Children's Hospital, introduced that since September, the number of Japanese clinics in the fever cough clinic of Beijing Children's Hospital increased, of which about 20%of children's pneumoniac testing results were positive.

"Shanghai Huangpu" WeChat public account released on October 11 that since July, nearly 400 children with mycoplasma pneumonia have been received from the Shanghai Children's Medical Center. Compared with previous yearsIt reached about 80%.

"Yunnan First People's Hospital" WeChat public account stated on October 9 that since mid -September, the pediatrics of major hospitals in Yunnan have ushered in a wave of small peaks and chlamydia infection with pneumonia.obviously increase.

Niu Bo, deputy director of the respiratory department of Hebei Provincial Children's Hospital, said that pneumonia's chlamydia infection has the characteristics of periodic epidemic. Generally, there will be a peak of infection in three to five years. This year, it may belong to the epidemic cycle of pneumonia.

Surging News Monday (October 16) quoted Liu MaosongThe number of outpatients in a few months has risen significantly, but it is about half before 2019.

According to the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of child pneumonia, pneumonia, and pneumonia (2023 edition), mycoplasma pneumonia is the most important community of children in China to gain sex pneumonia.Children with infection will have symptoms such as fever and cough.