After the dog attack on Monday (October 16), Chongzhou, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China announced that it has strengthened the management of dog breeding in many places.

According to surging news reports, China has announced from Monday that it will strengthen dog breeding management.Among them, the Sichuan Jingshong Public Security Bureau issued a notice on strengthening the management of dog breeding on Tuesday (October 17).

The announcement pointed out that the implementation of dogs registration permits will be implemented. All units and individuals who have obtained dog breeding in the urban area shall go to the local police station to apply for dog registration in accordance with the management regulations of dog breeding.Dog raising units and individuals have not been registered and annual inspections overdue. Once discovered, the public security organs will be administrative in accordance with the law.

The announcement is clear that the people are prohibited from raising fierce dogs and large dogs (adult dogs do not exceed 35 cm).Or accompany the traction.

The Rong Media Center of the Edian Yi Autonomous County, Sichuan announced on the same day that the family dogs raised by all universal (bolt) and exile dogs are regarded as non -owner dogs and stray dogs.All the consequences of the dog owner should be responsible.

A dog attack on Monday, Chongzhou, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, causing a girl's kidney injury fracture.The local official on Tuesday (17th) reported that the owner of the Rowalner dog who bit the girl was taken criminal compulsory measures.