Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that China supports high -quality co -construction of the "Belt and Road" actions, including the global artificial intelligence governance initiative to promote the healthy and orderly development of global artificial intelligence, healthy and orderly development;It will launch a high -level principle of integrity construction in the “Belt and Road” with partners, and establish a integrity and compliance evaluation system for “Belt and Road” enterprises.

According to the live recording of CCTV News, Xi Jinping announced eight actions at the opening ceremony of the 3rd “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit on Wednesday (October 18), including the construction of the “Belt and Road” three -dimensionalInterconnection network.Accelerate the high -quality development of China -Europe trains, participate in the construction of cross -Lihai International Transport Corridor, organize the China -Europe Train International Cooperation Forum, and build a new channel for the Asian and European logistics channels supported by railway and highway to direct transportation.

At the same time, support the construction of an open world economy.China will create a "Silk Road E -commerce" cooperation area to sign free trade agreement and investment protection agreement with more countries.Comprehensively cancel the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing industry.Actively compare the international high -standard economic and trade rules, further promote the high -level opening of cross -border service trade and investment, expand market access such as digital products, and deepen the reform of state -owned enterprises, digital economy, intellectual property rights, and government procurement.China will hold the "Global Digital Trade Expo" every year.In the next five years (2024-2028), the import and export volume of Chinese goods trade and service trade is expected to exceed 32 trillion US dollars (about $ 43 trillion) and $ 5 trillion.

Xi Jinping also proposed that China will coordinate the iconic project and the "small and beautiful" people's livelihood project.China National Development Bank and China Import and Export Bank will each establish a financing window of 350 billion yuan (about S $ 65.6 billion)."project.The entrepreneurial meeting held during this year's peak forum reached a $ 97.2 billion project cooperation agreement.China will also implement 1,000 small people's livelihood aid projects to promote Chinese and foreign vocational education cooperation through "Luban Workshop" and strengthen the safety guarantee of the "Belt and Road" projects and personnel of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" projects.

In terms of promoting green development, China will continue to deepen cooperation in the fields of green infrastructure, green energy, and green transportation, increase support for the "Belt and Road" green development international alliance, and continue to hold the "Belt and Road" green innovationConference to build a photovoltaic industry dialogue exchange mechanism and green low -carbon expert network.Implement the "Belt and Road" green investment principle, and will carry out 100,000 person -times training for partnerships by 2030.

In terms of scientific and technological innovation, China will continue to implement the "Belt and Road" scientific and technological innovation action plan to hold the first "Belt and Road" science and technology exchange conference.100, support young scientists from all countries to work in China for short -term work.China will put forward the global artificial intelligence governance initiative at this forum, and is willing to strengthen exchanges and dialogues with various countries to jointly promote the healthy and orderly development of global artificial intelligence and order.

In support of civil exchanges, China will host the "Liangzhu Forum" to deepen the civilized dialogue of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" countries.On the basis of the establishment of the Silk Road International Theater, art festivals, museums, art museums, and library alliances, the Silk Road Tourism City Alliance is established.Continue to implement the "Silk Road" Chinese government scholarship project.

In terms of the road to construction, China will jointly release the effectiveness and outlook of the integrity construction of the “Belt and Road” with partners, launch the “Belt and Road” high -level principles of integrity construction, establish a “Belt and Road” enterprise integrity compliance evaluation systemIn cooperation with international organizations to conduct integrity research and training in the “Belt and Road”.

In terms of improving the international cooperation mechanism of the “Belt and Road”, China will jointly build the “Belt and Road” countries to strengthen energy, taxation, finance, green development, disaster reduction, anti -corruption, think tanks, media, culture and other fieldsConstruction of multilateral cooperation platform.Continue to host the "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum and set up the Summit Forum Secretariat.