Russia's draft resolution of the Harbin Refer Fire, on Monday (October 16) with the opposition of the four countries such as the United States, Britain, France, and Japan, the support of the five countries such as China and Russia, and the abstain from the six countries, and has not been passed by the United Nations Security Council.Scholars of interviewees believe that the voting result reflects that the Eastern and Western sides are currently clearing in the Harbin conflict. The West insists on condemning Hamas, which condemns the accident. China and Russia believe that only the position of Hamas's position is not balanced.

The Security Council held an emergency meeting on Monday night with Harbin conflict and voted on Russia's draft resolution.In the 15th directors of the Security Council, China, Russia, Arabian United Emirates, Gabon, Mozanbik voted for votes; the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan voted against the vote;Nine in favor of the lowest threshold for tickets.

The draft resolution calls for Harbin to immediately implement humanitarian ceasefire; strongly condemn all violence and hostile actions against civilians and all terrorist behaviors; call for safety to release all hostages; call for uninterrupted food, fuel and medical care, etc.Humanitarian assistance creates conditions for civilian security evacuation.

The U.S. Permanent Representative of the United Nations Greenfield criticized Russia without negotiating a draft resolution and did not condemn Hamas to cover the terrorist organizations that harmed civilians.

The Russian Permanent Representative of the United Nations Nirbian Jia did not pass the draft of the resolution, saying that the Security Council was once again held by the Western Group.

China's permanent representative of the United Nations, Zhang Jun, said that China supports all efforts to promote conflict downgrade and restore peace. Welcome any initiative that is conducive to protecting civilians and alleviating humanitarian crises, and vote for votes based on this position.

Zhang Jun also said that he felt a great regret for the failure of the Security Council to reach an agreement on the draft of the resolution, emphasizing that humanitarian issues should not be politicized, and protecting civilians should be priorities.

Wang Yong, a professor at the School of International Relations at Peking University, interpreted in an interview with the United Morning Post. The latest round of voting of the Security Council reflects that the current East and West are clearly divided by Harbin conflict, but emerging economies such as Brazil have abandoned power and have not followed China and Russia.It can be seen that the positions of developing countries have not yet been formed.

Wang Yong pointed out that Hamas's operation on October 7th caused western citizen casualties in Israel, allowing the western government to face political pressure in China, and could not accept the decision of the Security Council that did not condemn Hamas.

Zhu Ming, CEO of China Zhendan Think Tank and Senior Researcher, analyzed in the interview that the West currently determines that Hamas is a terrorist organization, but China and Russia believe that this accusation is not fully balanced enough, and more considers that Israel has not implemented the United Nations for a long time.The recognition of the "two countries", invading the land of Palestinians, has also harmed civilians for a long time, creating a humanitarian crisis.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov revealed on Tuesday (17th) that the heads of state of China and Russia may discuss Pakistani conflicts during the Beijing meeting.

Wang Yong believes that in the draft resolution, Russia has not named Israel to retaliate in Gaza to cause civilian casualties, which is actually "a certain compromise and concession."He believes that China's position takes into account the complexity of Pakistani conflict, and see that there is a vicious circle of violence on both sides, hoping to cool down the crisis through peaceful negotiations.

Zhang Jun pointed out on Monday that the overflowing effect of Pakistani ’s new round of conflict has shocked the region to be peaceful and stable. China is deeply concerned about this, calling on this to stop fire as soon as possible to prevent the infinite expansion of the war and avoid further deterioration of the situation.

Zhu Ming judged that the Middle East war was risky. Israel may fall into the Hamas circle when entering Gaza, not only facing war consumption, but also in a humanitarian crisis due to anger.Reverse force.

Wang Yong pointed out that the United States currently takes different treatments to China and Russia who have also voted for votes. It has not criticized China, indicating that the Bayeon government may want to use Beijing's political influence in the Middle East to alleviate the Pakistani conflict to further upgrade.The US diplomacy is currently very cautious about China. It is not hoped that the first November of the China -US dollar may meet before the San Francisco may meet, and there is a new conflict between the two countries.