Chinese President Xi Jinping said that the "Belt and Road" passed in the past.10 years of experience shows that it is also helping others.Seeing the development of others as a threat will not make yourself develop faster.He emphasized that the "Belt and Road" does not engage in ideological opposition, does not engage in geopolitical games, does not engage in political confrontation of the group, and opposes economic coercion and the "detachable chain".

According to the live recording of CCTV News, Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 3rd “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit on Wednesday (October 18), saying that in the past 10 years, the results of the “Belt and Road” achievedIt is precious and experienced.Only win -win cooperation can do things, good things, and major things.As long as the wishes and coordinated actions of various countries can become a way, "Luo Suo" can be turned into "Nations", and the depression of development can become a highland of prosperity.

Xi Jinping said that countries with faster economic development must pull a partner who temporarily goes behind.As long as everyone regards each other as friends and partners, respects, supports each other, and achieves each other.Selate the development of others as a threat, and treat the economic interdependence as a risk, and will not allow you to live better and develop faster.

He also said that the spirit of peace cooperation, openness, tolerance, mutual learning, mutual learning, mutual benefit, and win -win situation is the most important source of force for the "Belt and Road".The reason why the ancient Silk Road is famous for its history is not the horses and spears, but the camel team and goodwill; not a strong boat and a cannon, but a treasure boat and friendship.The construction of the "Belt and Road" focuses on the high firewood flames, and the mutual help and mutual help. What you admire is that you live well and make others live well.Common development and win -win cooperation.Do not engage in ideological opposition, do not engage in geopolitical games, nor do group political confrontation, oppose unilateral sanctions, oppose economic coercion, and also oppose the "detachable chain".

Xi Jinping said that the 10 -year journey proves that the construction of the "Belt and Road" stands on the correct side of history, which is in line with the logic of the progress of the times."There must be a calm force that is still calm, and in accordance with the attitude towards history, the people, and the world, we will work together to deal with various global risks and challenges."

Xi Jinping emphasized that China is comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country with Chinese -style modernization and the great cause of national rejuvenation.What is pursuing is not the modernization of China alone, but is looking forward to a country, including the majority of developing countries to achieve modernization together."On the road forward, there will be reverse flow on the way forward." We must adhere to the target orientation and action orientation.China is willing to deepen the "Belt and Road" partnership with all parties and promote a new stage of building the "Belt and Road" into a high -quality development.