Lai Qingde, Vice President of Taiwan and the President of the DPP Lai Qingde on Tuesday (October 17), attended the "Taiwan American Chamber of Commerce" (AMCHAM TAIWAN) for lunch."Based on, continue to promote the" four pillars of democracy and peace ", establish a stable and principled ability of cross -strait relations, and guard the peace and stability of the area.

According to the Toyon Sen News Station, Lai Qingde gave a speech on the topic of "Taiwan and the United States are good, Stronger Together".He talked about the five major issues of Taiwan and the United States trade, energy transformation, medical system, medical industry, biomedical industry, and regional peace and stability.

Lai Qingde said that during the epidemic, AMCHAM urged the U.S. government to give priority to the Taiwan vaccine to protect the health of countless Taiwanese people. In addition, when Taiwan and the United States met with the "21st Century Trade Initiative", AMCham also played the keyThe role of sexuality, the current economic and trade relations between the two sides have continued to expand. Taiwan has invested in the United States in the past five years, which has grown 4.3 times. Now Taiwan is the eighth largest trading partner in the United States and the United States is the second largest trading partner in Taiwan.According to AMCHAM's 2023 survey report, 88%of members are expected to continue to maintain or expand investment in Taiwan in the future.

In terms of regional stability, Lai Qingde emphasized that he will include "four persistence", including "the constitutional government system that adheres to free and democracy", "adhere to the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China without being affiliated with each other", "Adhere to sovereignty and not to violate and swallow it", "Adhering to the future of the Republic of China to follow the will of all Taiwan people", etc., continue to promote the "four pillars of democracy and peace", enrich Taiwan's ability to self -defense, strengthen Taiwan's economic security and technology and technologyPower, establish a partnership with democratic countries around the world, and establish a stable and principled cross -strait relations leadership ability, and guard the peace and stability of the region.

Lai Qingde said that Taiwan -US relations have reached the best in history. All 1,200 members and 570 companies in AMCham not only play the influence of the far -reaching Fuder in the friendship between the two parties, but also in the future artificial intelligence in the future., Biomedical Industry, clean energy and other fields, exerting key influence, just like more than 40 years ago, AMCham chose to stand together with democracy.

He said, this time everyone must be able to make the right choice in the magnificent geopolitical change. As long as it is united, Taiwan will be better and the world will be better.

In terms of energy transformation, Lai Qingde pointed out that the net zero transformation is the consensus of the world and the goal of Taiwan. The energy policy has three goals: first, it is the power supply to stabilize people's livelihood;Third, it is necessary to respond to the goal of 2050 net zero transformation, and it will ensure the stability of industrial and people's livelihood power supply.

Lai Qingde also said that the government will continue to develop diverse green energy. Under the premise of ensuring stability of power supply, it will promote Taiwan's net zero transformation, including "energy transformation is safer" and "corporate transformation is more competitive."," Life transformation is more sustainable "and" social transformation is more tough ".

Lai Qingde mentioned that in order to accelerate the cooperation of Taiwan and the United States in advanced energy technology, I am glad to see that energy is the fastest field in Taiwan and the United States in recent years, especially in the electric vehicle industry.

In terms of medical system, Lai Qingde said that Taiwan and the United States have cooperated in the field of medical and health for more than 20 years. Cooperation projects include emerging infectious disease prevention and treatment, dengue fever (also known as bone pain fever) vaccine research and development.With the joint efforts of everyone, Taiwan and the United States also signed a "Medical Cooperation Memorandum" in 2020 to expand cooperation in various fields.

Lai Qingde pointed out that there are several goals in the future: First, to reduce the unhealthy years of Taiwanese people and create a "healthy Taiwan".Second, strengthen the prevention and control of cancer and expand the cooperation of Taiwan and the United States in the field of cancer.Third, in the future, he will cooperate with international partners to enhance Taiwan's biomedical industry into "Zhaoyuan Industry" and combine ICT, medical services and biotechnology industries.