As the width of a US dollar debt is about to end, the dilemma Chinese real estate giant Country Garden remains silent.If you do not pay for it, it will marked the company's first disclosure of breach of contract.

Bloomberg quoted a holder of the bill that he had not received money at 9 am as of 9 am as of Wednesday (October 18), Hong Kong time.

Country Garden's total liabilities reached US $ 187 billion (about S $ 255.8 billion), which is one of the most heavy real estate developers in the world.

The company must pay interest votes before the 30 -day width limit period from October 17th to 18th, otherwise it may be declared a breach of contract.Because the original dating date was Sunday on September 17, the actual payment period was postponed to September 18th, which caused the deadline for the width period to be more blurred. Country Garden has not explicitly formal the formal deadline.