(Beijing Comprehensive News) Russian President Putin arrived in Beijing on Tuesday (October 17). In addition to attending the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, he will also meet with Chinese officials.

Putin flew to Beijing on Tuesday morning. Video clips of China International TV showed that he was greeted by Chinese Minister Wang Wentao and PLA guards on the red carpet of the apron.

Video released by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs showed that Putin and Chinese officials met at the Belt and Road Forum that night. They shook hands and took a group photo with other foreign leaders attending the forum.During the photo, Putin stood on the right side of the Chinese official.

Kremlin said that Putin will meet with Chinese officials on Wednesday (October 18), and many ministers of the two countries will attend the conference.The two will also have one -on -one talks.The Kremlin's statement said that the two "will pay special attention to international and regional issues during the talks," but did not explain in detail.

Russia's New Year's Eve quoted the Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that Putin and Chinese officials may discuss the conflict during the meeting.

This is the second time that Putin has left Russia for the second time in the International Criminal Court of Criminal Court for suspected war.Putin went to Kyrgyzstan to participate in the former Soviet National Summit last week.

In addition to Putin, leaders of many countries also attended the Belt and Road Forum, including Indonesian President Zoko, Hungarian Prime Minister Olban, and Chilean President Borich.