The People's Bank of China, the CBRC and other departments launched a series of measures such as adjusting differentiated housing credit policies.The China Securities Regulatory Commission news on Thursday (20th) that for real estate enterprises, the Securities Regulatory Commission allows some enterprises with a small number of housing -related business but does not take real estate as the main business in the A -share market.

According to the China Securities Journal, relevant sources of the CSRC said that for real estate companies, the CSRC allows the following in the following in the premise that the stock market financing does not invest in real estate businessThe main business of the company's financing in the A -share market: If it is involved in the housing involved in its own and the holding subsidiaries, the proportion of real estate business income and profits in the first year of the first year shall not exceed 10%of the current indicators of the company;The proportion of investment income generated by the first phase of the real estate business accounts for not more than 10%of the current profit of the enterprise.

The person said that for many years, the Securities Regulatory Commission has fully implemented the relevant deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and exerts the role of the capital market to serve the real economy development.Promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.The capital market has strictly restricting the equity financing policy of housing -related enterprises, which strictly restricts the equity financing of corporate equity of the main business as real estate, and reasonably maintains the effective play of the capital market financing function, and better serve the economic market.