

Northern Remember

Chinese observer and international mainstream media around the world and the high focus of international media The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Since the opening of Sunday (October 16), it has gone through half a way.

Reading the relevant reports of the international media over the past few days, the newspaper colleagues found an interesting phenomenon: Before the 20th National Congress, everyone's prelude and heavy podcast series, etc.The key nodes are analyzed and interpreted.However, after the high expectations, the popularity of the continuous tracking of international media after the conference was not high, forming contrasts.

Speaking of which, the Communist Party of China has always had two major observation points. One is the political report read out at the opening ceremony at the opening ceremony, and the other is the result of the general personnel of high -level personnel.In addition, media people will also pay attention to whether various press conferences have revealed some new information during the meeting.So far, high -level personnel are still dazzling, and the main axis of many press conferences have also fully followed the theme of the conference.Therefore, the new information that is most worthy of analysis is still the 20th National Congress itself.

However, many scholars commented that the 20 major reports of the 20 major reports are "waves of waves".

In people's memory, the report of the 19th National Congress of the 19th National Congress five years ago appeared more new and sharp. For example, it would basically achieve socialist modernization by 2035.The Belt and Road Initiative was proposed in the report of the party congress that year, highlighting the ambitious development momentum of the CCP's senior officials at that time.In contrast, although the full text of the 20th National Congress is slightly longer than the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, there are fewer new concepts.This is probably some of the reasons for the decline in international reporting.

The 20 major reports are conservatively tone, which may originate from the triple background.First, the most aggressive plan of the highest layer is lit up as early as the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the tone is set.The significant deterioration of the high levels forced the senior management to stop proposing more great plans, from aggressive to defensive; third, the increase in stress in inside and outside, the highest -level personnel in the party -including members of the Politburo and the Standing Committee, will make key adjustments this year.The 20th National Congress reported to transition smoothly.

However, it is not true to say that there is no new information.In the above background, the concept proposed by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is more noteworthy, because these are the goals that the CCP will persist anyway.

First of all, it formally proposed "Chinese -style modernization" -the development path of China's not going to the West; second, the CCP determines that China has entered a period of "strategic opportunities and risk challenges coexisting"."Major test" preparation.In this context, the Communist Party of China focuses on "promoting the modernization of the national security system and capacity", and "new security pattern to ensure new development pattern", including maintaining the security, institutional security, and ideological security of the national power, ensuring food, energy resources, and important importantIndustrial chain supply chain security and so on.

Comprehensive New York Times and Reuters, Chinese officials mentioned the "National Security" 26 times in the full text of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, far exceeding the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China;89 times, while the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is only 55 times.The frequency of "reform" has decreased from 68 times five years ago to 48 times, and the number of "economy" once has decreased.

Combining the above points, the outline of the future development of China has emerged.While security, vigorously maintaining its own political and ideological security, the CCP announced that it will create a modernization that is different from the West, the leadership of the Chinese government, and the common prosperity of all the people, and "create a new form of human civilization."

The concept of "common prosperity" is not the original time of the Chinese official era. It was proposed as early as Deng Xiaoping.It is worth noting that the 20th National Congress report specifies that it is necessary to improve the distribution system, and adhere to the coexistence of distribution according to labor and various distribution methods to promote fair opportunities., Standardize the order of income distribution and standardize the accumulation mechanism of wealth. "This indicates that after the 20th National Congress, a complete policy will be introduced.China's wealthy class must also notice the policy signal of the 20th National Congress.

In contrast, although economic development and reform are also very important, the importance is relatively reduced.

When the Chinese Communist Party attaches more attention to ideology and strives to "create a new form of human civilization", the mutual doubts and ideological opposition between China and the West are bound to be more sharp.At this time, if the domestic economy continues to be sluggish, the risk of stable society in China will rise.The Chinese Communist Party may also foresee this, so "security" is placed in such an important position.

For the international community, whether it is Sino -US confrontation continued to increase, or the possibility of China's economy continues to be sluggish, it is optimistic.So far, the 20th National Congress report only outlines the general direction and goals, and the specific policies will not be introduced until the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of next autumn.The senior management of the Communist Party of China will promote the goal of the 20 major reports at a fast speed and effort. This is a more critical question, and there will be answers at that time.

At this moment, observers are paying attention to the composition of the new leadership team -it will be a relatively balanced team, or will there be unexpected changes?The results of the 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Sunday make people hold on their breath.