Fosun International announced on Wednesday (October 19) to sell 60%of Nanjing Nangang Iron and Steel Union Co., Ltd. to Jiangsu Sang Steel Group.Sources said that the "Fosun", including Fosun International, is not only to repay debts, but also reserve funds for the development of key projects such as the development of Shanghai's "Yuyuan Phase III" in the future.

According to the Economic Observation Network report, insiders close to Fosun International decision -making layer revealed that the saying that Fosun International's total debt is 650 billion yuan (RMB, Same, Same, Simred 1,28.1 billion yuan)The real debt of Fosun International is about 100 billion yuan, and the sale of assets is also to reserve funds for later projects.

A person familiar with the matter said: "Fosun's strategy is the shrinkage of the shrink, and the continued development of the development should be continued to develop.It is the task that Shanghai handed over to Fosun, and must be done well. "

In 1992, several Fudan University alumni led by Guo Guangchang founded Fosun Enterprise with 38,000 yuan.Formation of "Founder" with a huge scale has become one of the most important private enterprise groups in China.The "Fosun" core enterprise Fosun International was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2007. In 2021, Fosun International's total revenue was approximately RMB 161.3 billion, and the total assets were about RMB 806.4 billion.

Since 2022, the debt problem of "Fosun" has become one of the hot spots for the capital market.On June 14, 2022, Moody's well -known international bond rating agency Moody's family rating of Fosun International BA3 was included in the list of low -agency observation.

Moody believes that the downturn in the real estate market in mainland China increases the pressure of liquidity to Fosun.As of the end of March 2022, Fosun's inventory cash at the holding level was not enough to pay short -term debt due to the expiration of the next 12 months, and its regular income was not enough to pay interest and operating costs.

The insider close to Fosun International decision -making layer said: "Moody's report at the time had a great impact on Fosun, and it was even surprised."

The "Reunion" has begun to reduce its holdings of many listed companies they control or share in the capital market.The market estimates that the total amount of its holdings has reached about 20 billion yuan.