Hermes International, a world -renowned luxury brand, has surged in sales in the third quarter. Among them, the Chinese market has not been affected by epidemic control or economic downturn, and sales are still rebounding.

According to Bloomberg, Hermes said on Thursday (October 20) that without considering currency fluctuations, the company's revenue in the third quarter increased by 24%to 3.1 billion euros (about S $ 4.18 billion), exceeding moreAnalysts expect.The company's stocks also rose 4.3%in Paris transactions.

The report of Hermes reflected that luxury manufacturers were largely affected by the tightening of consumption in other retailers and consumer goods companies by the crisis of living costs on other retailers and consumer goods companies.

Eric Du Halgouet, the chief financial officer of Hermes, said, "As far as the current, there is no sign of slowly in our market."

The company pointed out,Although it is temporarily closed due to "Sanitary Measures", sales in Greater China are still rebounding.Except for Japan, the revenue in the Asia -Pacific region has risen by one -third.

Durgur also confirmed that Hermes plans to increase the price of global product prices by 5%to 10%in 2023, and this year's price increase is about 4%.

Durgur said that Hermes still kept vigilant about geopolitics and macroeconomic economic backgrounds, but in order to further show confidence, he revealed that the company plans to accelerate recruitment in the second half of the year.

Hermes recruited more than 800 workers in the first half of 2022, and plans to recruit 800 people by the end of this year.As of the end of June, the group hired a total of 18,400 people.

Hermes also plans to open a new store in Shanghai at the end of this month.Just last month, it opened a new flagship store in New York City.