Shell Research Institute released a briefing on the mortgage interest rate of Hundred City Bank on Thursday (20th). Statistics show that the 103 mainstream mortgage interest rates monitored in October were 4.12%, a decrease of 3 from the previous month 3The two -set interest rate is 4.91%, which is the same as last month; the average loan cycle of this month is 26 days, and the overall lending speed is fast.

According to the report of the Sino -Singapore Jingwei, the report shows that the bank loan cycle in October was 26 days, which was basically the same as last month.Among them, the average lending cycle of first -tier cities is 30 days, the average loan cycle of second -tier cities is 24 days, and the average lending cycle of third -tier cities is 26 days.

The People's Bank of China and the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a notice on September 29 to determine the phased adjustment of differentiated housing credit policies.Eligible urban governments can independently decide to maintain, lower or cancel the lower limit of the first set of housing loan interest rates for the first time of the local new housing loan at the end of 2022.

The report states that, due to this, as of October 19th, the first set of mortgage interest rates of 10 cities in the monitoring of the Shell Research Institute dropped to 3 words, mainly distributed in Hubei, Guangdong and other places.

In second -tier cities, Kunming's first mortgage interest rate fell to 3.95%, Wuhan, Tianjin and Guiyang's first mortgage interest rate fell to 3.9%, and Shijiazhuang's first mortgage interest rate fell to 3.8%.Among the third and fourth -tier cities, Qingyuan's first set of interest rates was the lowest, and it has dropped to 3.7%.In terms of interest rate changes, the first mainstream interest rate of Shijiazhuang and Lanzhou this month has reached the largest, reaching 30bp, and the 88 -city mortgage interest rate is consistent with the same month. It has not been adjusted.

The report also states that in addition to commercial loan interest rates, the interest rate rates of various places have also lowered.Since October 1, the People's Bank of China has decided to reduce the interest rate of 0.15 percentage points of the first personal housing provident fund loan, and the interest rates of less than 5 years (including 5 years) and more than 5 years were adjusted to 2.6%and 3.1%, respectively.The second set of personal housing provident fund loan interest rate policy remains unchanged, that is, less than 5 years (including 5 years) and more than 5 years interest rates, which are not less than 3.025%and 3.575%, respectively.Subsequently, Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan, Nanjing and other places have successively followed up and lowered the interest rate of provident fund loan.

The report also pointed out that in terms of urban lines, the highest loan interest rate in first -tier cities is the highest, the first set is 4.60%, and the two sets average of 5.13%, which is the same as last month.The first set of interest rates in second -tier cities was the lowest, with an average of 4.08%. The average interest rate of the first mortgage rate of third and fourth -tier cities was 4.11%.

From the perspective of interest rates, the interest rate of mortgages in third- and fourth -tier cities has decreased the largest year -on -year, and the first two sets of interest rates decreased by 169bp and 116bp, respectively.Based on the principal of 1 million commercial loans in the first house, and the 30 -year equivalent principal and interest repayment calculation, the average monthly supply can be reduced by about 1036 yuan, and the total interest to be repaid will be reduced by about 370,000 yuan.The two sets of interest rates decreased by only 60bp and 52bp.