Ma Zhaoxu, deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry, stated that "the dare to fight is the spiritual character of Chinese diplomacy", and emphasized that China has launched a relatively strong and strong struggle, continuously won nine diplomatic relations between Taiwan, and effectively stopped external forces to interfere with Hong Kong affairs.Essence

Ma Zhaoxu on Thursday (October 20th) at The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Foreign-themed Reporter EnrollsAt the meeting, they criticized the United States without named the United States that "some forces" played a new cold war, scratched the line with ideology, provoked camp confrontation, and engaged in hegemony and domineering. "This is the biggest threat to the world order."

Ma Chaoxu warned: "A world of division does not meet the interests of anyone, and camp confrontation will only bring the world into the dead alley."


The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China called on the Communist Party of China to "prepare a major test of high waves and even stormy waves" and proposed that they must "dare to fight and be good at struggle."Ma Zhaoxu and Shen Beili, deputy minister of the CPC Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the same press conference, mentioned the "struggle" 10 times at a diplomatic -themed press conference of about 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Ma Zhaoxu emphasized that the dare to fight and be good at struggle is the fine tradition and distinctive characteristics of Chinese diplomacy, and said that Chinese diplomacy will continue to carry forward the spirit of struggle, improve the ability of the struggle, and "always stand up to the forefront of safeguarding national interests and national dignity."

In response to questions about how Chinese diplomacy reflects the spirit of the struggle, he named Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and the South China Sea issues, emphasizing that China firmly safeguarded national dignity and core interests, and firmly defended the Chinese government's leadership and social society with Chinese characteristics.Order system.

For example, he said that China "strongly fight back Perlis and other upside -down application", "resolutely curb external forces interference", and "firmly implement the one country, two systems' policy" in Hong Kong,"" ".

Ma Zhaoxu also said in summing up China's diplomatic achievements in the past 10 years, "Facing external curbing and unreasonable interference", China has launched a tit -tat and firm struggle, "continuously won the nine so -called" diplomatic relations countries in Taiwan in a row.'", And strongly blocks external forces to interfere with Hong Kong affairs.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in the context of the continued tension between China and the West. The US Secretary of State Brillings on Monday (October 17) the next day at the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress, criticizing the Chinese official is ""Go forward.

Shen Beilie said that China will not draw hands on the internal affairs of other countries' political parties, and will not output the Chinese model and require other countries and parties to copy the CCP.

She said: "We also resolutely do not accept the preaching of preaching and being angry, and never copy the political system of moving other countries."

A reporter asked whether China official would attend the Geminis Group Summit held in Indonesia in November in November; Ma Chaoxu said that China actively supports Indonesia's work as chairman of the Group of 20 and will release Chinese leaders to attend the meeting in a timely manner.Message.

Analysis: The CCP emphasizes the favorable control of the struggle to strengthen the state control

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the 20th National Congress of the CPC and diplomatic officials tied "dare to fight" and "good at struggle".Changes; there is no "good fighting" statement in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Zhu Feng said that this shows that although China wants to strengthen countermeasures and counterattacks, it does not blindly confront them, but to be prioritized and urgent, and there must be advancement and retreat.

James CHAR, an associate researcher at the Rajernan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, analyzed that the Chinese Communist Party's description of the unstable external environment and emphasis on struggle are conducive to providing more basis for the CCP.The Chinese people are closer to the CCP's leadership, thereby strengthening the CCP's control of the country.