The third quarter financial report released by Tesla on Thursday (October 20) shows that after the production speed of the second quarter decreased, the production speed of the Shanghai Super Factory in the third quarter exceeded the previous before.Quarterly record.The Shanghai Super Factory is still the main export center of Tesla, supplied to most markets outside North America.

According to China News Agency, Tesla China revealed that the production speed of the Shanghai Super Factory in the third quarter surpassed the historical record and helped the cumulative delivery volume from January to September reached 480,374Delivery numbers throughout the year.The Shanghai Super Factory also reached a milestone of the 1 million -vehicle offline in August, which took more than three years and became the most efficient super factory in Tesla.

Data from the joint meeting of the National Passenger Vehicle Market Information of China shows that the Tesla Shanghai Super Factory exports 19,756 units in July, with 42,463 exports in August.5522 vehicles.Tesla CEO Mask once introduced: "The new cars produced in the first half of each quarter of Tesla are mainly used for export, and the second half will be put in more local markets."

In additionAccording to the financial report, Tesla's revenue in the third quarter was nearly $ 21.5 billion, a year -on -year increase of 56%, exceeding the US $ 18.7 billion (S $ 26.648 billion) in the first quarter and US $ 16.9 billion in the second quarter.According to GM accounting standards, Tesla's operating profit in the third quarter was 3.7 billion US dollars, and the operating profit margin was 17.2%.

Tesla introduced that Tesla produced more than 365,000 vehicles in the third quarter and delivered more than 343,000 vehicles.The delivery performance in this quarter reached a new high, a year -on -year increase of 42.4%and a month -on -month increase of 34.9%.At the same time, Tesla's global delivery volume exceeded 3 million units in the third quarter. Popular models such as Model3, Model Y continued to reach the single -month sales list in many national auto markets.