Tan Yaozong, member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said that the US media reported that the Chinese government reduced the possibility of the Chinese government's quarantine isolation of overseas personnel to "2+5" (two -day centralized isolation+five -day home monitoring)Not big.

Tan Yaozong said in a query by the online media "Hong Kong 01" that he did not hear relevant statements for the time being, but in principle, it is estimated that the hotel isolation opportunities were not large at once.

Tan Yaozong pointed out that the current popular virus is generally developed three to four days after infection, so the overall direction is facing the number of compression quarantine days. Mainland experts will depend on data decision measures.After the day of compression isolates, more hotel rooms will be freely, and the inbound is unblocked, and there will be no bottlenecks.

But in principle, Tan Yaizong believes that the possibility of jumping to "2+5" at once is not high, because Hong Kong also jumps from 7 -day hotels to "3+4" (three -day designated hotel quarantine+Four days of home medical supervision) should be dealt with step by step.

When will it really change the quarantine requirements?Tan Yaozong said that it is difficult to say at this stage. "In fact, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will end in a few days. The policy must be changed after the 20th National Congress, but when it is specific, it is really unclear, but I believeRelevant departments will be announced as soon as possible after the review. "

Bloomberg News C quote from people familiar with the matter reported that Chinese officials are studying whether the entry isolation quarantine period is shortened to" 2+5 "Tiansheng isolation of medical observation and five -day home health monitoring.

At present, China's entry quarantine isolation policy is "7+3", that is, seven days of centralized isolation of medical observation and three -day home health monitoring. During the period, a total of six nucleic acid tests need to be performed and cannot go out.