Chinese officials have rumored to discuss the number of concentrated isolation days of immigration passengers, from the original seven days to two days, and the three -day home health monitoring increased to five days.If the implementation is finalized, this will be that after the end of June this year, the second time the cross -border epidemic prevention and control of the cross -border epidemic will be greatly loosened, which means that the limited time after the admission of passengers will drop from the original 10 days to a week.

Scholars of interviewed scholars evaluated, The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will change foreign economic exchangesIt is even more imminent; if the entry isolation period is further shortened, it will provide a good benefit for attracting overseas investment.The people interviewed by the business community feedback that the one -week -long entry isolation period is still a very high time cost, which is not significant to help restore normal economic and trade exchanges between Chinese and foreign enterprises.

The official consideration is officially considering loosening the "seven plus and three" and the "two plus five"

Bloomberg Society on Thursday (October 20) quoted sources disclosed that Chinese officials are considering putting the current "seven plus and three" entry isolation measures to "two plus five", and may be written into the expected to be released soon.China's latest prevention and control plan.However, this adjustment has a variable, and it needs to be the first to the top.


The Chinese government announced the implementation of the "Seven Canadian Three" entry isolation measures at the end of June this year. It is the maximum loosening of cross -border epidemic prevention and control since the opening of the border in August 2020.Prior to this, most areas of the mainland demanded that entrants were separated in the hotel for 14 days, and it was 21 days long.

It is understood that under the current measures, inbound passengers who do not meet the conditions of home health monitoring, even if they complete the seven -day concentration isolation, they will not be allowed to leave the hotel and must continue to be isolated for three days in place.

The good news of the "two plus and five" boosted, the offshore RMB rose against the US dollar on Thursday, and the Chinese stock market also narrowed the decline.Companies related to China have risen, including Air China and China Oriental Airlines.

Many airlines in China have announced the restoration and additional international routes since October this year. The airlines involved many cities in Asia, Europe and the United States, and released signals that China will have a greater step to re -open.

But at the same time, Bloomberg quoted the official tendering document on Wednesday that Shanghai had spent 1.38 billion yuan (S $ 272 million) to plan to build a preparatory compartment and a close isolation point in Fuxing Island in the east of the commercial district.The facility covers an area of 35 acres (14.164 hectares) and will have 3,250 beds, which further shows that China is unlikely to abandon the zero -zero policy.

Promoting Scholarship of Economic Development Scholarship: Ferry

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, interpreted in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that it is not contradictory to build more isolation facilities in Shanghai and the "two plus five" measures;Lessons and lessons, and prepare early to increase international flights and tourists, and also ensure that when the winter spread of crown diseases, it is capable of dealing with more local and overseas input cases.

Tang Renwu also said that promoting the development of Chinese and foreign economic development "is imminent now." At present, the death rate of the crown disease epidemic has continued to decrease. Further loosening the cross -border epidemic prevention and control is the practice of "conforming to the trend".The five 'measures should be exactly ", and after the 20th National Congress, it will also be able to inject favorable investment in attracting foreign investment.

Wu Shi, president of the Chongqing Branch of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce in China, said in an interview that the measures of "two plus five" still mean that after the entry of foreign merchants entered the mainland, business partners and customers will not be seen for a week."Not helping."

Wu Shicun also evaluated that international flights to and from China have recently increased, which has recently eased the inconvenience of commercial exchanges between China and foreign countries, but in fact, it is more to clear the needs of the backlog of backlogs for a period of time.

On the other hand, on the occasion of the 20th National Congress, the Chinese capital Beijing has continued to rise in the Crown disease in recent weeks. 18 new local cases have been added on Wednesday.49 cases were found in the cycle four times more than.

The municipal government has taken a series of measures, such as strengthening public inspections and blocking some residential areas to increase its efforts to curb virus transmission.

According to official reports, 807 local cases were added on Wednesday.On the occasion of dynamic clearance in various places, nucleic acid quarantine has also been upgraded; after three days and two inspections, one day of one inspection, Zhengzhou and Guangzhou have further improved their requirements until two days a day.