Russia and Ukraine war caused restrictions on natural gas supply. European energy supply is limited. European energy supply is limited.In order to stabilize the winter, French Prime Minister Macron wore high -necked sweaters to condemn energy saving, and local residents have also sought a good -looking and low -energy heating equipment in the past few months to welcome the coming of winter.Heating "artifacts" from electric blankets from China were so popular, and exports have exploded this year.

The hot blankets and "Light Legs Artifacts" in Europe

According to the China News Network on Wednesday (19th), as an important home appliance production base in China, the Guangzhou Customs City, Guangdong ProvinceThe export volume of heating equipment in the first eight months of the first eight months of this year exceeded 1.16 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 228 million), an increase of 6.5%year -on -year.Essence

A electric blanket factory located in Dongguan, Guangdong this year is three times the same period of the same period last year, and it is also the best record in the past five years.

According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, in July of this year alone, the EU imported Chinese electric blankets as high as 1.29 million, an increase of nearly 150%month -on -month.Many importers additional heater orders have brought a round of "replenishment of orders."

In the first seven months of this year, the export size of China's electric blanket exports was 33.4 million US dollars. The category of other appliances was led by 97%year -on -year growth rate.

According to CCCME, the China Mechanical and Electrical Products Import and Export Chamber of Commerce (CCCME) shows that the total amount of heating equipment to Europe in the first eight months of China was US $ 497.53 billion, a year -on -year increase of 14.35%.In August alone, 2.254 billion related products were delivered to the European market for a total value of about 70 billion US dollars.

Not only the traditional warm -keeping equipment such as electric blankets, but also the popular warm -type bottoming stockings "light leg artifacts" in China in recent years have become popular in Europe.According to the data provided by cross -border platforms, the "light leg artifact" sales increased by 131%in the first half of this month, and the most orders were from the Netherlands, Germany and France.

China's popularization in recent years Keep warmThe "light leg artifact" of the type of bottoming stockings became popular in Europe.(Internet)

The hot -selling equipment in Europe has also made the market moving. Many listed companies have attracted market attention due to heat pumps, heater and other products.

Among them, China Electric Blade Law Rainbow Group rose daily limit for two consecutive days on the 21st and 22nd on the 21st, and once again closed the daily limit on the 28th, an increase of 10%.The stock price has increased by 47.41%.

China is resold in European natural gas

Compared with retail heating equipment, a larger and more important energy transaction between China and the European and European is before this winter.Key fuel natural gas for concentrated heating.

According to reports, the imported natural gas imports in Europe mainly has two ways: pipeline gas and maritime transportation. Affected by the cost of shipping and the construction cost of the port, the import of natural gas in Europe is still mainly pipeline gas, accounting for 70 per year to remain at 70 per year.%above.Among them, the pipeline gas imported from Russia accounts for about 40%of the import volume of the general pipeline.

However, since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Russia's supply of natural gas in Europe has reached the lowest point in the past 40 years.As the "Beixi" natural gas pipeline was destroyed at the end of last month, the possibility of Europe's wanting to receive Russia's natural gas relying on "Beixi" before winter was even more slim.

China, which originally depended on natural gas imports, previously purchased a lot of purchases from Russia and the United States. However, due to weak domestic energy demand, excess has occurred this year. Instead, there is a surplus to provide stocks that urgently need natural gas in Europe.

Data show that the import volume of LNG (liquefied natural gas) in Europe in the first half of this year increased by 60%year -on -year.Essence

Data show that Europe this yearIn the first half of the year, the import volume of LNG (liquefied natural gas) increased by 60%year -on -year, and about 4 million tons of China LNG was sold to Europe.(Reuters)

Chinese media reported in August this year that Energy Giant Sinopec Group stated that it had transported 45 batches of natural gas to the international market.

At the same time, the demand for LNG ships (LPG), which is specially used for natural gas, has also increased greatly in Europe.China's LNG ship orders have achieved historic breakthroughs.

LNG ship is a special ship that transports minus 163 degrees Celsius under normal temperature at normal temperature. It is a key equipment in the liquefied natural gas supply chain.

With the explosion of the "Beixi" pipeline, it is difficult to find the LNG ship that undertakes the mission of the sea.It also reached a record high.

LNG ship is at room temperature at room temperatureSpecial ships that transport at minus 163 degrees Celsius under normal pressure are the key equipment in the liquefied natural gas supply chain.(Reuters)

According to the person in charge of the relevant departments of China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd., in an interview this month, the new orders of the large -scale LNG ships in some ship companies in China and South Korea have ranked after 2027.At present, the group's HSE China Hand Hand -held 33 large LNG ships, 26 of which are new orders this year.

However, according to sources quoted by Bloomberg, the China Development and Reform Commission has ordered CICC, Sinopec, and Sino -sea oil to stop selling LNG to buyers in Europe and other Asian countries to ensure the upcoming winter heating in China.

Europe wants to spend winter in China?

Different heating equipment such as electric blankets, and the factors of natural gas transactions between China and the European Europe are much more complicated.

According to research data, natural gas does not have global prices, not a typical commodity. Only one -third of the world is shipping LNG. More than 80 % of the shipping LNG has passed the long -term agreement. Only one left is left.A small part is a natural gas that can fluctuate in trade and price fluctuations.This characteristic of "pool is very shallow and has a limited liquidity", which has greatly affected natural gas prices due to geopolitical factors.

Ding Chun, director of the European Issues Research Center of Fudan University, said in an interview with the Chinese official media.Cooperation is not an option that is available. "

Europe sequentially finds balance between economic and politics?

However, in recent years, China and Europe have frequently frictions on issues such as human rights, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and other issues. With the occurrence of the Russian and Ukraine War, China has refused to publicly condemn Russia.After the behavior of Sri Lanka, after improving economic sanctions against Russia in the West, it still deepened its energy relations, which disappointed in European countries and further exacerbated China -Europe tensions.

In April of this year, the EU and Chinese leaders disagreeed the Ukrainian issue at a video summit. Europe did not support Russia in the economy or military at the meeting at the meeting.

European officials warned that Beijing refused to condemn Russia and may even support Russia, which would cause lasting damage to bilateral relations.

The German Economic Minister Habeck said on the 15th at the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Minister of Economic and Trade on the 15th that the G7 agreed to be stronger in China on trade issues, and they would also further coordinate their position on this issue.Essence

Habeck also said that Germany has "no longer naive" in the position of China, and "the era of trade, regardless of social or humanitarian standards, has passed."

Habeck said in an interview with Reuters earlier that the German federal government is developing a new trade policy to China to reduce its dependence on Chinese raw materials, batteries and semiconductor products.

In a speech on May 26 this year at the World Economic Forum on May 26 this year, Germany cannot speak for Xinjiang human rights because of China's economic strength.Measures to achieve diversification of the supply chain and export market.

When the European Union is Xinjiang Xinjiang, Xinjiang is Xinjiang Xinjiang as Xinjiang Xinjiang is Xinjiang in Xinjiang.When human rights issues were imposed on sanctions against China, Tsubitz said: "We can't ignore this issue because we have a lot of business exchanges with a certain country. We cannot keep silent because it is now and in the future." (Reuters)

However, during the 11th of this month at the Berlin Mechanical Engineering Summit on the 11th of this month, he stated that he firmly opposed decourse and emphasized that "decoupling will be a completely wrong path", but at the same timeCall for Germany not to rely too much on China.

Faced with the "decourse" sounds in Europe, the chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce Woodke called in September this year that Europe cannot be decoupled with China, just as China cannot be decoupled with Europe.

He said that Europe not only needs China in the field of trade and investment, but also in Europe also needs more cooperation with China in terms of carbon neutralization, equipment, software, etc.

On the one hand, I hope to continue to enter China's vast market. On the one hand, it is accusing China of infringing human rights and not speaking in the Russian and Ukraine war.

In addition, the trade volume between European countries and China is huge, and it is difficult for 27 EU countries to fight for each other's EU to reach a consistent attitude in China.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Nanhua Morning Post reported that a strategic document distributed by the EU foreign department this month showed that the EU seeks to find a balance between the needs of "talking, work, trade and negotiations" and resisting Beijing.Essence

The document also said, "How to deal with European -China relations will be a key decisive factor in the future economic and geographical security of the European Union."

In the stack of the epidemic and energy crisis, Europe is not good this winter. It is as small as electric blankets and as large as natural gas. They are reminding Europe that their lives and economy are hung with China.How to make a balance between political stance and the people's livelihood economy is a problem in front of them.

The leaders of the EU countries began a two -day meeting in Brussels on Thursday, which will discuss the consequences of the Russian and Ukraine and the rise in European energy prices, including the relationship with China.Diplomats claim that this is a "inventory exercise" for China.This is also the first in -depth talks on China ’s issues since the Russia -Ukraine War of the European Union.Perhaps this problem will be further clear this week.