The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced that it has implemented fugitive measures for six people including Luo Guancong to prohibit citizens from providing funds to the six.Hong Kong Security Director Deng Bingqiang showed that social platforms subscribing to faders such as YouTube and Patreon are all illegal.

The comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Ming Pao reported that Deng Bingqiang exercised the power to safeguard the national security regulations on Wednesday (June 12), and will abscond to the United Kingdom and violate the Hong Kong National Security Law., Liu Zudi, Zheng Wenjie, Huo Jiazhi and Cai Mingda were included in the indicator of the foil, and the implementation of the special zone passport, prohibiting citizens from providing funds and leasing property to six people.

Deng Bingqiang said at a press conference that the above six indicator of the fighter hidden in the UK and was sheltered by the United Kingdom. It continued to endanger national security, advocated the division of the country, subverted the country, and intended to make incitement.Politicians tried to destroy the rule of law in Hong Kong and try to affect the results of the national security case trial. The Chinese embassy in the UK also accused the British formed cases earlier and sued the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office as the name of the British National Security Law.

He believes that it is time to list six people as fugitives and implement targeted measures.

Deng Bingqiang said that Hong Kong citizens will be banned from providing funds for six fighters, cannot be engaged in real estate, and set up joint ventures.He said that in order not to affect the third party, if the partnership agreement or related buildings signed a contract, the above -mentioned persons were signed before the signed by the fighter, it was not affected.

In response to the media's social media platform illegal on the social media platform of paying the above person, Deng Bingqiang said that Hong Kong citizens provided funds to six people in any platform and in any way.

As for how the Hong Kong police investigate whether the citizens have funds with the absconders, he said that the police will deal with violations of related matters according to evidence. If someone is illegally handled, it will call on the public to avoid any money with the above six people.

Reported that among the six people who are included in the foil, Luo Guancong has the Patreon account that needs to pay for subscriptions.The account is divided into three paid plans, which are charged 40 yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same, S $ 6.93), 80 yuan or 200 yuan, respectively.

The other two were included in the fleeing Huo Jiazhi and Cai Mingda who jointly operated the YouTube channel "Banner -raising". The channel did not open the paid member function, but they set up paid subscriptions on Patreon.There are also three paid plans, each charging 40 yuan, 80 yuan or 200 yuan each month.

In response to the instructions of the foil, Luo Guancong responded on a social platform that when he applied for refugees in the UK in 2020, he had handed over the Hong Kong SAR passport to the Ministry of the Interior.The Hong Kong Government is more in one fell swoop.

Liu Zudi, who was listed as an absconding, also said that he never held a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passport, referring to the absurdity of the Hong Kong government's practices, reflecting the "transnational target" act of the Hong Kong government, violating the Chinese and English acts, and violating China and Britain.Joint Statement.