With the exacerbation of the Chinese electric vehicle industry and the frequent price of price wars, Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holdings, admits that the simple and rude price war is the fuse of fake sales of car companies, which will eventually cause unsatisfactory and non -compliance.Preface competition.

Comprehensive daily economic news and surging news reports, Li Shufu described in the 2024 China Automobile Chongqing Forum on Friday (June 7) that the internal volume of China's automobile industry is the world's first, and the price war is high.Yu Yilang, unparalleled.

He pointed out that companies that do not lack cars in China today are lacking in the ecological environment of automotive components with innovative capabilities, car safety software and hardware technology companies with original ability, and competitive industrial software supplyBusiness and auto companies with original capabilities.

Li Shufu bluntly said: "Endless internal rolls, simple and rude price wars, the result is the disorderly competition of cutting corners, fakes and fakes, and unsatisfactory."China's electric vehicle industry has developed rapidly and the competitive environment has become increasingly fierce. Car companies have frequently launched price wars in the past two years, and are committed to seizing share in the gradual saturated market.

The China Passenger Federation predicts that after the "strongest" price war in history last year, the national passenger car market price war will still be fierce this year.

Zeng Qinghong, chairman of GAC Group, bluntly said on the forum. This is not a way to get involved. The goal of the company is to make profits, and then contribute to the society through tax payment and employment.

He emphasized that the automotive industry must have the overall situation, the pattern, and the long -term strategy, not to roll.

However, Zhu Huarong, chairman of Changan Automobile, believes that rolls are the normal process of good coins to expel bad coins and the best way to quickly return to healthy competition in the industry.In the next ten years, more Chinese brands will be involved in world -class brands, which will roll out a new height of Chinese brands and maximize the benefits of users.

Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, described that the previous industry volume price, roll technology, and volume scale, and now they are already in the roll boss, volume traffic, etc.

But Wang Chuanfu believes that volume is a kind of competition and the essence of the market economy.Entrepreneurs should not be anxious, but to face it positively."I believe that all entrepreneurs must embrace, participate in competition, develop in competition, and contribute to the country."