The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Fighting Tiger!

On June 9th, during the long holiday of the Dragon Boat Festival, the website of the State Commission of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection released news: Xu Zuo, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China CITIC Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently being accepted by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.And supervision investigation.

Xu Zuo Data Map

Public information shows that Xu Zuo, male, Han nationality, Hubei Dawu, born in October 1965, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from Kunming Institute of Technology (now Kunming University of Technology) metal studies and thermal treatment, college degree.He is currently the representative of the 14th National People's Congress, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China CITIC Group Co., Ltd., chief engineer, and chairman of CITIC Daka Co., Ltd.

Xu Zuo graduated from Kunming University of Science and Technology (formerly Kunming Institute of Technology) in 1987. After graduating from metal studies and thermal treatment of thermal treatment, he joined the Bohai Aluminum Co., Ltd. to participate in the preparations of the Daka Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in 1988 to do it from the grassroots level.From the beginning, it became an expert in the field of green intelligent metallurgy in aluminum alloy.


Before landing, Xu Zuo also won the honor of the Ho Liang Heli Fund Science and Technology Innovation Award · Industrial Innovation Award, and the 2022 Hebei Provincial Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award.

In April 2021, Xu Zuo was also shortlisted for the list of valid candidates for academicians in the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2021. The channel was nominated for academicians, but he was not selected as the final selection list.

After Xu Zuo was investigated, the central management cadres who were investigated this year rose to 31.

In addition, on April 16 this year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued news: According to the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee on the inspection work, recently, the Twelfth Inspection Team of the Central Committee inspected China CITIC Group Co., Ltd.The central inspection team will work in CITIC for about 3 months.