The international community does not participate in the vote of the US presidential election.Its jurors do not participate in the US judicial system.Nevertheless, Trump was judged to have all 34 crimes in the trial of a sealing fee in a court in New York on Thursday. This incident once again clearly shows how much the United States has on the impact of other regions in the world.

Many people who observe the United States are trying to find out the same questions raised by the American people: Can Trump still run for president?(Yes.) If you can, will the guilty judgment reduce the support from his political foundation?(Not clear.)

Foreign observers have also begun to guess that if Trump won the presidential election again in November, it would have been unstable whether he would be more unable to comply with normal politics and foreign rules.

Trump's supporters in foreign anti -immigrants and right -wing nationalist circles quickly jumped out to defend him.Hungarian Prime Minister Olban Victor, who was friendly to the Kremlin, posted on X, saying that Trump was a "gentleman" and said that the American people should make their own rulings in November.

The Italian Deputy Prime Minister and the leader of the tough right -wing alliance party Matteo Salvini said "support and full support" and said Trump was "the victim of judicial harassment."

"This judgment is shameful," activists who support Brexit, supporters of Trump, and the honorary chairman of the British Right -wing small party, Naejer Farach, wrote on social media."Trump will win a lot now."

Russian President Putin did not immediately respond to this judgment, but used this situation to weaken the influence of the United States in a larger scale.Putin last year called Trump's various lawsuits as political "persecution", and said that these lawsuits revealed that "the decay of the US political system, it cannot pretend to teach others what democracy is."

His spokesman Dmitry Peskov reiterated this when he responded to the judgment on Friday, claiming that the world is clear that the U.S. government is trying to "through all possible legal and illegal means"Eliminate political opponents.

As the Manhattan jury made the above -mentioned judgment, the participation of the United States has become the core of several global crisis.

In Ukraine, because the Republicans of Congress have been delaying US military assistance for several months, the efforts of war against Russia are blocked.

In Europe, leaders who rely on US defense are worried that the relationship with Washington may become nervous, and the United States may no longer support strengthening defense against Russia.

In Asia, the Bayeng government believes that China's threat is increasing day by day and is worried that China may invade Taiwan, while the American allies are worried that the defense treaty that supports regional security order for a long time is really sacred.

During the campaign, Trump said that he would encourage Russia to attack any NATO member states who did not pay enough for defense and questioned whether the United States should defend South Korea -a treaty all over the United States.He is considering using Ohio Senator J. D. Wanus as a possible campaign partner. Wanz is one of Washington's most fierce opposition to providing military assistance to Ukraine.

Foreign analysts are worried that Trump's favorite tricks -unpredictability -may shake global order again.

In Germany, people's concerns about Trump's might return to the White House are particularly obvious, because Germany is the object of anger in Trump's first term for most of the time.Essence

Andrea Romers, deputy dean of the Graduate School of Berlin, focusing on public policies, said that many Germans were relieved after watching Trump's verdict, because they saw it.In the United States, even the former president could not override the law.But she said that the Germans were still very anxious about the possibility of Trump wins.

She said: "I think everyone is ready to be more fully prepared to imagine that incredible thing."

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk's domestic right -wing opponents have accused him of using judicial institutions to solve political grievances. He praised Trump to be convicted in New York as a "American lesson" for Polish politicians.

In a post published on X on X, Tusk said: "The law determines the crime and punishment, whether the criminal is the president or the minister." Tusk is a senior middle school. He was after the election of October last year.At the same time, the election overturned a nationalist government, and it established a close relationship with Trump during the White House in Trump and after that.

Nevertheless, on Friday, most foreign governments had to observe every change in US political emotions and responded cautiously.

Lin Fang, the chief of the Japanese cabinet official house, said at a press conference held in Tokyo on Friday: "I don't want to comment on the judicial procedures of other countries."

Britain holding the national campaign, Prime Minister Sonak refused to discuss the Trump case.His Labor Party opponent and former senior prosecutor Kirl Stammer said he respected the court's ruling and said that the situation was unprecedented.

"In the end, whether he was elected as the American people, obviously, if we are fortunate to serve the public, we will cooperate with the presidential candidates they choose," Starmo told the BBC Scottish Broadcast.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning refused to comment on the verdict.She said that she hopes that no matter who is elected president, she can "commit to maintaining healthy and stable Sino -US relations."

The possibility of Trump's return to the White House made U.S. Asian allies that rely on Washington's defense.

In April of this year, when Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Hyoshi held a state visit to Washington, President Bayeng said that the relationship between the two countries was the most important bilateral alliance in the world.As the United States has continued to expand its military footprints, Biden has strengthened the defense partnership between the United States and Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and other Asian countries.

In contrast, Trump has required more than 50,000 US garrison to pay $ 8 billion in Japan to maintain the operation of the US military base in the Japanese military base.(But never achieved.)

Nevertheless, no matter who won the presidential election of the United States, the fundamental contradiction of the geopolitical regional politics -competition between the United States and China -will continue.

"In view of the firm anti -China position of Trump and Biden, Beijing does not have any fantasies about them," said Liu Zhaojia, a policy consultant of the Chinese government Hong Kong."Beijing is ready to start a fierce confrontation with the United States on the technology, trade and Taiwan issues."

Lin Heli, a Chinese political analyst at the Washington Jameston Foundation, said that the Chinese embassies in the United States and officials in the United States consulates are likely to be busy evaluating how the verdict will affect the election.

"Most of Xi Jinping's consultant now believes that Trump's election may have a more unfavorable impact on Sino -US relations," Lin He said when he talked about the highest leader of China."If Trump wins, considering the special circumstances of his current victory, he may tend to take unpredictable actions to maintain his authority."

Asia generally feels that the region is ignored and underestimated by US presidents all year round, especially when the European and Middle East crises occupy Biden's attention.This emotion also performed very strongly during Trump's presidency, and for the United States' partners in Asia, Trump's closeness to strong regional strong people made this emotion more serious.

In addition to occasionally expressing the admiration of Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong -un, Trump also invited a former army leader who had launched a coup in Thailand and made himself a former army leader to visit the White House.Trump also obtainedIt was praised by the former Philippine President Rodrigo Dutect, and the latter is currently investigated by the International Criminal Court for a fatal anti -drug war.

The current leader of the Philippines has brought the country to the United States from China. He is the son of a long -term dictator, Ferdinander Markus, who died during exile in Hawaii.

At least before the former leader who prosecuted the reputation, other countries in the world were far ahead of the United States.Four former presidents in South Korea have been sentenced to corruption and abuse of power. The country regards the leaders of the reputation of reputation and scan the floor.Both former French President Nicholas Sarkozizi and Jacques Hillary have been sentenced to corruption.

Former South African President Jacob Zuma was charged with money laundering.Lula was sentenced to many years of imprisonment for corruption after leading Brazil.His judgment was eventually revoked.He later served as the president of the country.