According to the news of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on June 12: Duan Xi, the former first -level inspector of the Dali State CPPCC suspected of serious disciplinary violations, has taken the initiative to invest in the case , currently is currently.Accept the disciplinary review and supervision investigation of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Duan 玠

According to the public resume, Duan Yan was born in April 1963. He was the deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Dali State Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Heqing County Party Committee, Jianchuan County County Mayor, Secretary of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Dali Prefecture Transportation Bureau.Mayor of Dali Dali City and other posts.In 2006, Duan Yan served as Standing Committee of the Dali State Party Committee, Secretary of the Dali Municipal Party Committee , and later served as the deputy governor of Dali Prefecture, the president of the Dali Prefecture Agricultural Science Promotion Research Institute, etc.Deputy Secretary and Deputy Chairman. In 2021, Duan Yan served as a first -level inspector of the Dali State CPPCC, then stepped down, and took the initiative to commit the case.News on May 28 this year.He used to be the secretary of the Dali State Party Committee.

Duan Yan has been punished before.

In December 2019, the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued a notice that due to the poor ecological protection work of Erhai Lake and the slow problems of some projects, Duan Yan, Vice Chairman of the Dali State CPPCC (then Deputy Governor of Dali Prefecture)Internal warning punishment.