(Chongqing Comprehensive News) Chinese electric vehicles have fierce competition and frequent price wars. Li Shufu, chairman of Chinese car companies Geely, bluntly stated that endless internal rolls, simple and rude price wars, the result is to reduce materials, fake fake sales, and disagreeRules of disorderly competition.

Comprehensive Finance and Sina Finance reported, Li Shufu said on Friday (June 7) at the 2024 China Automobile Chongqing Forum. When it was mentioned in the price war of Chinese car companies in the past two yearsThe degree of inner rolls is the first in the world. The price war is higher than that of the waves, and the world is unparalleled. This is both a good and bad thing.

Li Shufu said that if the marketization level is high, the law is sound, the law enforcement is strict, and the enforcement is strict, and the transparent and fair competition is a good thing; otherwise it is a bad thing.The healthy development of any industry must be manifested in achieving better economic benefits in terms of input -output ratio; for the automotive industry, only healthy competition in accordance with the law can achieve sustainable and high -quality development.