Cui Maohu, former deputy minister of the Communist Party of China, acknowledged more than 10 million yuan in bribes.

According to China CCTV News, the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court of Liaoning Province opened the trial on Thursday 1st trial and tried the bribery case of Cui Maohu, former deputy minister of the Communist Party of China and former director of the National Religious Affairs Bureau.

The Shenyang Municipal People's Procuratorate sued accusations that Cui Maohu used the convenience and authority or status of his position as the deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, the secretary of the Lijiang Municipal Party Committee, and the deputy governor of Yunnan Province from 2007 to 2023.The convenient conditions for others to obtain benefits for others in terms of engineering contracting, payment, and cadre appointment, and illegally accepting a total of 10.43 million yuan (about S $ 1.96 million).The procuratorate asked Cui Maohu's criminal responsibility for bribery.

Cui Maohu expressed his confession in court.The court finally announced the off -court and pronounced it.

Public information shows that Cui Maohu, 59, has worked in Yunnan for a long time.Secretary -General and other positions.

Cui Maohu moved into Beijing in June 2022, and replaced Wang Zuoan, who was retired, served as the deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the National Religious Affairs Bureau until March last year.In August last year, Cui Maohu was officially expelled from the Communist Party of China and public office ,The Supreme People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Cui Maohu in just a few days of suspected bribery.In December last year, the Shenyang People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution to the Shenyang Intermediate Court on Cui Maohu's bribery case.