Written article 丨 Yu Hui

According to the news of the Shanghai Discipline Inspection Commission on March 15, Zhou Jun, former president of Shanghai Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd., was "double -opened".

Zhou Jun, born in March 1969, a bachelor's degree in literature in Nanjing University, a master's degree in international financial majors at Fudan University, Ph.D.

Public information shows that Zhou Jun has nearly 30 years of professional work experience in securities, acquisitions, financial investment, real estate, project planning and corporate management.

On November 20, 2023, "Integrity Shanghai" released the news. At that time, Zhou Jun, the president of Shanghai Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Shanghai Discipline Inspection Commission.

Before being investigated, on the morning of October 30, 2023, Zhou Jun attended the third quarter of the Shanghai Pharmaceutical's 2023 work meeting.Xi, you can 濯 ", you must never forget your original intention and establish the correct values.

Zhou Jun's last appeared in public occasions on November 6, 2023.

On the same day, Shanghai Pharmaceutical and Sanofi China reached a strategic cooperation at the Sixth Expo at the Shanghai Expo. Zhou Jun attended and witnessed the event.

On the day of Zhou Jun's investigation, Shanghai Pharmaceutical announced on the morning of November 20, 2023 that on November 18, Shanghai Pharmaceutical Board received a written resignation report from Zhou Jun.

"Due to personal reasons, Zhou Jun resigned all his positions such as the chairman of the company, non -executive director, the convener of the strategic committee of the board of directors, and members of the strategic committee."

On the same day, Shanghai Industrial Holdings also issued an announcement saying that because of personal affairs, Zhou Jun was unable to invest in the company's position in sufficient time.The positions of all subordinate companies will take effect from November 18, 2023.

Shanghai Pharmaceutical is a pharmaceutical business platform of Shangshi Group. It is also a large -scale pharmaceutical industry group listed on Shanghai and Hong Kong. The company's registered capital is 3.696 billion yuan. The main business covers the pharmaceutical industry and commerce.In 2022, operating income was 232 billion yuan, ranking among the Fortune World Fortune 500 and the top 50 global pharmaceutical companies, and the comprehensive strength ranks among the top three in Chinese pharmaceutical companies.

Public information shows that Shangshi Group was registered in Hong Kong in July 1981.As Shanghai's largest active investment holding group, Shangshi Group has invested over 100 billion yuan over the years.In recent years, the average annual capital operation amount has exceeded 10 billion yuan.The group's main business includes medicine, infrastructure, real estate, consumer goods, financial investment, Dongtan development, and pearl project.

Before Zhou Jun was investigated, many cadres in Shanghai Pharmaceuticals and subordinate companies were investigated.On the second day of Zhou Jun, Gu Haoliang, former vice president of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., was dismissed.

A few days ago, with the approval of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted an investigation and investigation of Zhou Jun's serious violations of discipline and law.

Notification shows:

After investigation, Zhou Jun, as a leading cadre of party members , has never established a correct worldview, outlook on life, and values, violated political discipline and political rules, obsessed with superstitious activities, was not purely motivated to join the party, and used the Communist Party of China as the Chinese Communist Party.Capital for the development of the career ;

Violation of the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, accepting gifts that may affect fair execution of official duties;

Violation of organizational discipline, concealing related matters without reporting, concealing serious errors before joining the party ;

Violation of integrity discipline, long -term occupation of the company's real estate to be used by personal use;

Violation of work discipline, and decided to pay the project model without authorization, causing the state -owned assets to lose the risk of losses;

Utilizing the convenience of jobs, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<;

Using the convenience of the job, seek benefits for others, and illegally accept the huge property of others.

The notification mentioned that Zhou Jun seriously violated the party's discipline, constituted seriously illegal positions and suspected corruption and bribery crimes, and did not converge and stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.deal with.

Zheng Zhijun "Capital to join the Communist Party of China as the Development of the Celebrity" is very rare in the reporting notification of officials in the horse.

Among the officials of the horse, there are others who have been notified of "impure motivation to join the party".

In January 2022, Liu Jifu, the party secretary and director of the former Jiangxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, was expelled from the party.Liu Jifu, born in July 1949, is 75 years old.The Discipline Inspection Commission reported that "the motivation for joining the party was impure, the party spirit was extremely poor, and was not loyal to the party. There was no bottom line principle, spreading political rumors, and repeatedly reminding education by organizations.

Meng Wei, the former dean of the China Institute of Environmental Sciences, has also been disclosed that the motivation to join the party is impure.

The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Newspaper pointed out that in 1996, Meng Wei, who was 40 years old and the director, submitted an application for the party to the organization and joined the Communist Party of China the following year.

But according to the case handler, during the application of the party, Meng Wei began to provide help to others in accelerating the progress of the environmental assessment.Not pure.

In addition, Zhou Jun also "serious mistakes before joining the party" .

Zheng Zhijun's existence of this problem is also the former party secretary and dean of the Heihe Intermediate People's Court.

In 2022, Liu Suoxing was expelled from the party.The report pointed out that he "concealed serious mistakes before joining the party and concealed and distorted the truth in the organizational assessment."

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