China Unicom website news, on the morning of March 15, China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd. held a meeting (expanded) meeting.Entrusted by the leadership of the Central Organization Department, the responsible comrades of the relevant cadres bureau of the Central Organization Department announced the decision of the Party Central Committee on the general manager of China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd.The manager and deputy secretary of the party group eliminate the position of director and deputy secretary of the party group of China Post Group Co., Ltd. Related duties and removal shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

Jane Qin (Data Map Source: People's Postal Telecommunications)

According to the People's Post and Telecommunications News, Jian Qin has more than 30 years of rich communication industry management experience, senior engineers, doctorate in economics, and representatives of the National People's Congress of the Eleventh and Twelfth National People's Congress.

He has served as deputy director of Nanchang Telecom Bureau, secretary and general manager of Nanchang Mobile Party Committee, member, director, and deputy general manager of Jiangxi Mobile Party Group, Secretary of the Jiangxi Mobile Party Group, Chairman, General Manager, Secretary of the Sichuan Mobile Party Group, Chairman, Chief GenerallyManager, secretary of the Guangdong Mobile Party Committee, chairman, general manager.

In 2017, Jian Qin served as a member and deputy general manager of the party group of China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd.; in May 2023, he served as a director and deputy secretary of the party group of China Post Group Co., Ltd.

Earlier, Chen Zhongyue served as director, general manager, and deputy secretary of the party group of China Unicom.On November 25, 2023, Chen Zhongyue served as chairman and party secretary of China Unicom.

Official website introduction, China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd. ("China Unicom") has branches in 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and many countries and regions in China, and has a modern and modern world.The communication network and the global customer service system ranked 267th in the Fortune 500 of the world in 2023.As a basic communication enterprise that supports party and government systems, all walks of life, and the general public, China Unicom has basic functions and status of basic functions, strategic, and leading in the national economy.The characteristics and attributes of network, scale economy, economic and social and people's livelihood.