On the evening of March 14, the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection disclosed the case of Liu Fangxiu, a cadre of the "post -90s" falling horse.

The female cadre was deeply in the debt platform after the online gambling. Parents have filled a loss of nearly 2 million yuan in the early period through selling houses and loans, but Liu Fangxiu still looks forward to relying on gambling back to the book.After being trapped in the vicious cycle of "online loan -gambling -losing money", she had swallowed more than 6 million yuan in public funds for more than two years at an attempt to "come back" and was finally sentenced to 11 years.

Sources said that in recent years, many "post -90s" cadres have grown into the backbone of the business of units, and corruption "low age" and "low -profile" have also increased.It is not difficult to find in the cases reported by the Commission for Discipline Inspection of various places that many young cadres are corrupt cases.Liu Fangxiu, the former deputy head of the Municipal Rong Management Stock of Yibin County, who was born in 1992, was lost in the mud of online gambling.

Screenshots of the video of Liu Fangxiu Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection

Liu Fangxiu, from Changning, Sichuan, a bachelor's degree, joined the Communist Party of China in December 2012.In September 2014, 22 -year -old Liu Fangxiu graduated from the University of Liu Fangxiu, and entered the planning and construction management office of Changning County Village and Town.

Sources said that after being diligent in obtaining a professional skills qualification certificate, she applied for graduate students and was full of energy.In 2017, Liu Fangxiu was transferred to the planning shares of the Housing and Urban -Rural Management Bureau of Changning County to be responsible for the reconstruction of rural dangerous houses.The change occurred at the end of 2017.At that time, Liu Fangxiu, who was outgoing and happy, often shopping and gather with colleagues and friends.Occasionally, Liu Fangxiu joined the "Online Play Entertainment Group" formed by a friend.In this group, Liu Fangxiu will meet friends at work. When you are free, you can play online chess and card games, win a point and press a corner of money.During the period of participation in the group, Liu Fangxiu basically won the money, and won more than 3,000 yuan in a few days.This gave her an alternative idea about the understanding of the online gambling as "the dealer's background operation and the player's ten gambling losses".

The survey found that Liu Fangxiu first tasted the sweetness through online gambling. Later, he met a so -called "professional" "home" Huimou through friends and "turned" to the new online gambling WeChat group, trying to continue to win.With the lack of thoughts, Liu Fangxiu, who was more and more gambling, finally entered the me astrord of the online gambling "Player Gambling Ten Losses".

In order to gambling, Liu Fangxiu looked for friends to borrow money, exploded all his credit cards, and borrowed all online loan quotas to increase online gambling betting.Unconsciously, Liu Fangxiu's debt has accumulated nearly 2 million yuan.After learning about this, her parents filled her nearly 2 million yuan in the loss of nearly 2 million yuan by selling houses, loans, etc., and constantly persuaded her to get lost.However, just converging for a month or two, Liu Fangxiu, who was unbearable, borrowed out the clear credit card and online loan again, and all invested in online gambling, thinking about "reversing the wind".However, it was still losing money for her.

Zhou Li, the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee of Changning County Discipline Inspection Commission, pointed out that at this time, Liu Fangxiu, who was still looking forward to gambling again, borrowed the first usury in his life.When the first usury is not yet on, the customer service of the lending company continuously recommended Liu Fangxiu's second, third, and fourth ... In this cycle, more than 10 usury APPs have been accumulated. Liu Fangxiu has since completely fallen into "Online loan -gambling -loss of money ".

On October 10, 2020, Liu Fangxiu, then a staff member of the Causeway Film District of Changning County Village and Town Planning and Construction Management Office alone in the office.Under a number of usury "urging guests" bombing -style harassment, abuse, and threats, she decided to take risks and misappropriated a project subsidy fund in the name of "borrowing".Because the mind is completely on the Internet gambling, the process that Liu Fangxiu should go in the process of distributing the project subsidy funds is not in place.But for a long time, colleagues and other departments have not raised objections in the basic trust of their work.As a result, Liu Fangxiu moved the dangerous idea of ​​borrowing money in the project subsidy funds.

The Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection disclosed that Liu Fangxiu used the convenience of reviewing project subsidy funds to find the account number of the staff who had resigned but did not cancel, and entered an application for a 28,000 yuan project subsidy funds with this account, and then used it to use it.After the management account review is approved, and then apply for the financial and financial bureaus of the Housing and Urban Management Bureau, the account will be approved and passed, and will be submitted to the Office of the Housing and Urban Management Bureau to stamp it, and will eventually be sent to the bank to implement it.In this way, Liu Fangxiu successfully took the first funds of 28,000 yuan.

After no one noticed the strangeness, Liu Fangxiu began to have no fear, and slowly regarded the funding platform as a personal "withdrawal machine".According to her, "at that time, the whole person was a mad state, so he didn't take the money as money at all, and felt that no matter how many 96,000 were transferred to me (online game) to recharge, it was the number."

Liu Fangxiu kept collecting public funds, and continued to lose money.After investigation, from October 2020 to January 2023, Liu Fangxiu took advantage of his post to illegally collect and swallow the project subsidy funds, totaling 6.3525 million yuan.In the later period, because Liu Fangxiu was addicted to gambling, his working status and mental state were extremely burnout, and the unit leader decided to adjust his post.Liu Fangxiu, who got the news, immediately exported all the data of the fund issuance platform, summarized a set of electronic tables, and handed over to other colleagues as a thief.

The Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection introduced that if you do n’t know, you do n’t know if you do n’t do it.In June 2023, Liu Fangxiu was expelled from the party and was expelled from public office.In September 2023, the Changning County People's Court sentenced Liu Fangxiu to 11 years in prison for corruption and fined RMB 600,000.

"I think my various behaviors are ashamed of my parents' cultivation for me in the past 30 years, because I have lost all kinds of crazy behaviors that have lost their bottom line and lost humanity.Wrong, I really did something wrong. "Liu Fangxiu repented.

The Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that it was a main reason for Liu Fangxiu to slide Liu Fangxiu step by step towards the abyss of illegal crimes. It is the main reason for being a "gambler" to accidentally become "gamblers".Although her Changning County Housing and Urban Construction Management Bureau has rules and regulations such as approval systems, financial systems, and business processes, the actual operation does not meet relevant regulations.As a result, the system has become one of the reasons for its "one paper empty text", which is also one of the reasons for its successful "picking".In pain, the Changning County Commission for Discipline Inspection has launched special actions in financial discipline and accounting supervision and inspection in the county's exposure of the case, and comprehensively rectified and rectified.

Jiang Ming, deputy secretary of the Changning County Discipline Inspection Commission, Deputy Director of the Supervisory Committee, and Director of the County Party Committee's Inspection Office, also introduced that we urged the party organizations at all levels of the county to strictly implement the responsibility of the party's main body, strengthen the construction of the party's work style and clean government, improve the risk of integrity and governmentThe prevention and control system and strengthening the comprehensive management and regular supervision of young cadres, especially young cadres who are in key positions and important power, often carry out "political medical examinations" to guide young cadres to be honest and honest towards the party's loyalty to the party., Strictly adhere to discipline and rules, deduct the first buttons of integrity and integrity.