Australian Minister of Trade Farrel on Sunday (March 10) told the local media that China will complete the review of Australian wine tariffs by the end of March, and said that China is also starting to launch restrictions on lobster import restrictions.Review work.

According to Reuters, Don Farrell said in the sky news program that after the review, he hoped that China would cancel anti -dumping taxes on Australian wine, and saidGood progress has been made in restrictions.

Farrell said that the Minister of Commerce of China has confirmed to him that the review of wine will be completed in March.

However, he also said that if China will not cancel anti -dumping tax measures against Australian wine in the end, Australia will not hesitate to respond to this measure again to appeal to the World Trade Organization.

When China -Australia relations turned sharply earlier, China leaned anti -dumping tax on wines native to Australia's imported 2 liters and below containers, and restricted imported Australian lobster.

Later, with the rise of Sino -Australian relations, the Ministry of Commerce of China announced last November that it launched a review and investigation on this anti -dumping measure.Australia also proposed to the World Trade Organization in October last year to suspend the treatment of anti -dumping measures for wine.