On March 11, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Tian Lixia, secretary of the Oriental Municipal Party Committee, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Resume shows that Tian Lixia, female, Han nationality, born in January 1969, the business capital of Inner Mongolia, a doctoral degree in Renmin University of China, joined the work in July 1991, and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1996.He is the secretary of the Dongfang Municipal Party Committee (deputy hall level) of Hainan Province.

Tian Lixia worked at the Municipal Law System of Haikou in the early days.Deputy Secretary and other positions.

On February 22, Tian Lixia made a concluding speech at the closing meeting of the Seventh Plenary Session of the 14th Municipal Party Committee.

In 2011, Tian Lixia Limit's Deputy Secretary and District Chief of Qiongshan District Committee of Xinhaikou City.In November 2015, he was a member of the party group and secretary general of the People's Government of Haikou City.In November of the following year, he served as the deputy mayor of the People's Government of Lizhou City, Hainan Province.After more than three years in Lizhou, Tian Lixia took the Secretary of the East Municipal Party Committee (deputy department) of the New Hainan Province, and was investigated at this time.

The Oriental Municipal Government website shows that Tian Lixia's resume has been withdrawn from the "Municipal Party Committee Leadership" column. The report on the official website on her public activities stays on February 26.Meeting and speaking.

New Yellow River was on February 22. Tian Lixia also made a concluding speech at the closing meeting of the Seventh Plenary Session of the 14th Municipal Party Committee, emphasizing the need to strengthen the construction of style.

It is reported that Tian Lixia emphasized that to further strengthen the ability of style, we must insist on creating a blessing for the people and the correct concept of political achievements.Each year, I will solve the problem of a group of people's urgency and worry about the problems.

Reporter: Du Yahui Editor: Du Yahui